The Feeling is Mutual

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Another B.C. and Mark prompt because they are such an underrated DWTS ship!

Live theatre/kind of different AU


"Where is he?!" I exhaled, exasperated. Mark was always late. And I mean always.

"Hey, I'm here, I'm sorry that I'm late, there was an accident on--" Mark came in, rambling, downing the last of his coffee from the gas station right down the street.

"I don't care what happened, take your mark so that we can run this." Our director, Scott, told Mark, obviously fed up with him too.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Mark muttered, walking past me. "Hey, Baby, good morning."

My eyes darted right over to him. "Don't ever call me that!" I snapped.

"Woah, no need to get all sassy with me."

"Just hurry up, you already put us an hour and a half behind schedule." I rolled my eyes and went to take my mark.


That was a week ago, and the show opens in two more weeks. It's really hard to play his stage girlfriend when I hate him so much. And it isn't like he liked me either. On another bad note, my throat has been killing me from all this singing. I was going to force myself to not talk unless rehearsing.

Hey, that's less I have to Mark, am I right?

"B.C.!" Scott called as I walked into the theater for dress runs. I looked at him and quickly shook my head, shaking my hand side to side by my throat. "Oh, okay. Okay. Go rest up before runs. Take care of yourself before we start." Scott handed me an unopened water bottle from his hand.

"Thank you." I mouthed and blew a kiss.

"Of course."

I walked to my dressing room, smiling at the star that read "B.C." that J, a tech of ours, put on the door for fun. I went inside and closed the door, turning the lights off and laying on the small sofa; my head was killing me as well.


I jumped up at the sound of someone knocking on my door. I quickly flipped on the lights and opened the door.

"Wow, B.C., you look like...just wow." Mark shook his head. I shook my head at Mark and made an "x" with my index fingers in front of my throat. "Oh, wow, alright." I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, listen, I came here to tell you that there's this huge blizzard set to hit, so we're staying here until further notice." I just nodded. "Okay, I'll let you be."


We ran what we could before the power went out in the theater because of all the snow. We've been stuck in the theater four hours past when rehearsal wrapped. My throat still felt like it was on fire, and I had found myself asleep on J's shoulder in the green room, where we all were camping out.

"I just don't get why she's being so lazy. Show's open in two weeks." Mark scowled, looking down at his phone.

"Oh, shut up, she doesn't feel well, let her sleep. And even when not feeling well, she still comes to rehearsal on time." J fired back. My eyes opened slowly only moments after that little conversation. "Good morning, Love." J whispered. I just waved, feeling how raw my throat still was.

We all sat in silence for a moment before Mark just snapped. "Okay, I can't do this anymore. I can't be in these room anymore." Mark stood up, but J got him to sit back down because Scott said to stay because driving in the snow and in New York traffic was nowhere near safe. After a bit, J left to talk to Scott, leaving Mark and I alone. "Why do you hate me?" Mark asked, breaking the silence. "No, really. Why?"

I knew it would kill my throat, but I spoke anyway. "I hate you because you're always late to rehearsal, and you showed up to tech week runs smelling like Jack Daniel's. And I hate that you smoke because that's a nasty habit. I also hate that you make me feel like a terrible artist, always correcting me and telling me that I am the reason that scenes go wrong, and I hate that you call me lazy, and I hate that you're making me say all of this because you know my throat hurts. You're immensely unprofessional and you treat all of the staff like trash. That's why I hate you."

"Are you done?" Mark asked, and I nodded. "Good. Because the feeling is mutual."

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