Chairs At Interviews

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You know what Derek hates?

The chairs at interviews.

It doesn't matter where the cast is.

It could be GMA, The Today Show, a convention, anywhere, and he finds something up with the chairs.

Nobody really knows why.

But today was different.

Derek actually liked the chairs at a GMA interview.

But that was also the day the unthinkable happened.

Midway through the interview, everybody was notified that Val had a special announcement.

Val had quietly ducked out during the interview, and Sharna didn't notice.

Until he was brought back on. In a suit.

Wait. Is what you're thinking is about to happen going to happen?!

A host handed Val a microphone and the rest is history.

"Miss. Sharna May Burgess."

She slowly walked up to Val.

He got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his jacket pocket.

"Sharna May, will you marry me?"

"Yes." Val jumped up and took her into a passionate kiss.

"SHE SAID YES!" A host exclaimed as music played and the backstage crew dropped some confetti.

That was the day Sharna's life changed forever.

And that was also the day the cast leaned that when Derek doesn't complain about the chairs at interviews is a day that something magical is bound to happen.

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