Tin Lunchboxes (Part 5)

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Previously in "Tin Lunchboxes"...

Do I really need to be writing these? Y'all know what's been going on, it isn't like you started on Part 5, but if it has been a while since you read, let me catch you up...

"Another test came out negative, and, and I was at my doctor's l-last week for, for..." Tears kept streaming down her cheeks.

"For what, Sharna? Darling, please breathe for a moment, then speak." Peta looked at her sister with the most genuine look of concern in her face.

Sharna took a deep breath and continued.

"I was there for one of those annual checkups, and they were running some tests and, and they found that there is a slight chance that Val and I are going to be able to have children." She cried and fell into Peta's arms.


"Sharna May Chmerkovskiy, don't you ever think for even a second that I don't love you. Because, Princess, I will always love you. Thick and thin, I love you. Highs and lows, I love you. Absolutely insane twists and turns, I love you. I will never stop loving you, Sharna May, ever. I will still love you when we are spirits, haunting the abandoned ballroom or something. Princess, what I'm trying to say is that you matter more to me than my own wellbeing. That 'slight' chance? It is going to happen. We are going to have a family, Sharna, I know we are. Now, dry those beautiful eyes of yours, they don't need to be crying this much." He kissed her lips.

"Nothing will ever stop us." Val said to conclude his speech. "Nothing."



Fast forward about seven months after all that...


Sharna was once again over at Peta's.


"So what, P?"

"Is there a Baby Chmergess yet?" She asked quite shyly, considering that this was Peta.

"Well..." Sharna said.


"No, Peta. No baby." Sharna absent-mindedly placed a hand on her stomach.

"Sharna..." She nodded down at her hand placement.




Over the next few weeks, everyone, especially Peta, had seen a slight alteration in Sharna.

"Hey, Maks, I kind of have a headache, could you turn that down just a little?"

"Of course, Sharna."

"Baby." Peta whispered, only to get a playful slap on the arm from Sharna.

"Peta, stop it!"

"Stop what?" Maks asked.

"Your wife thinks I have a baby inside of me." Sharna laughed.

"Oh, don't listen to her, she's just being..." Maks stopped himself mid-sentence.

"She's what?"

"Kind of got a point."

"OH MY LORD, NOT YOU TOO!" Sharna exclaimed.

"Sharna, let's be realistic here for a moment. You've been sick the past two weeks, every morning. You've also had really bad headaches, and a really crazy sensitivity to scents." Peta said. "It sounds a lot like baby Chmergess to me."

Sharna's face went so pale. Everything started to make sense.

"C'mon, Love, I probably have a test in one of the bathroom cabinets." Peta pulled Sharna up off the couch and into the bathroom right down the hall.

After some quite loud rummaging through the cabinets, Peta pulled out a box of plastic sticks that Sharna knew all too well.

She handed the box to Sharna's shaking fingertips.

Sharna nodded as a 'thank you'.

Gosh, was she scared?

Minutes later, she faced her biggest fear and turned the test over.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Was all you heard from behind the bathroom door.

Sharna threw open the door and ran into the living room where Maks and Peta were.

"There's a baby Chmergess." She said.

"SHARNA! OH MY GOSH!" Peta and Maks both ran up and hugged her.

For a second, Maks picked her up and spun her around, but then quickly realized what he was doing.

"I probably shouldn't do that." He set the redheaded Aussie down. "There's a person in there." He nodded to Sharna's stomach.

"REALLY?!" Peta exclaimed sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh, wait." Sharna halted all the excitement. "I have to tell Val."

"I know!" Peta said and whispered something into Sharna's ear.

"Perfect! Thanks, Darling."

"Congrats, Sharna." Maks kissed her cheek as she got into her car to go tell Val the news.


"VALENTIN CHMERKOVSKIY GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Sharna yelled before dinner.

"Coming, Love."

Val quickly stopped at the sight of the table.

Three plates.

"Is Hayley coming over for dinner? Or Lindsay? Or Jen?"

"I don't know."

"How do you not know who's coming for dinner?"

"Because they don't have a name."

"Why not?" Val was beyond puzzled.

"Because we haven't given he or she a name yet."

Val took a minute to process that.


"I'm pregnant." Sharna said with tears glistening in her eyes.


// That's a wrap for Tin Lunchboxes! I hope you all enjoyed it! //

dwts_ballerina ❤

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