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Gather around, as I tell you the story of: The Chain Of Hugging.


It all began on the night of the DWTS season premiere way back when in 2016 (actually not too far back when).

Anyways, it was like a game of tag with the pros, hosts, and judges.

Val started it.

"Good luck, Babe." He hugged Sharna.

"Go get 'em, Slater." Sharna hugged Emma.

"Break a leg, Love. Wait, actually don't, injuries aren't good! But, I love you, you'll be amazing." A quite nervous Emma hugged her fiancée, Sasha.

"Maksim, good luck tonight. Leave everything on that floor." Sasha hugged Maks.

"Peta, Darling, go. Go get your grand return to the ballroom. Love you." Maks hugged his wife, Peta.

"Gleb, long time no see! Go kill it as always!" Peta hugged Gleb.

"Man, go! Just go, you got it!" Gleb gave Artem kind of a hug, but more of a handshake that became pats on the know what I mean.

"Julianne, Love, looking gorgeous as ever." Artem hugged Julianne.

"Len Goodman, we missed you last season!" Julianne hugged Len.

"It's great to be back, especially to see everyone. Carrie, I missed you the most of all." He said with a slight chuckle and hugged Carrie.

"Tom, go be the best host we've ever had!" Carrie hugged Tom.

"There's the best cohost in the business!" Tom hugged Erin.

"ERIN, MY DARLING!" Bruno rolled his 'R' and hugged Erin.

"And now, with an amazing opening: The DWTS pros!" Erin announced.

After the performance, Erin gave Val a hug.


Thus ending The Chain Of Hugging.

And the chain begins again, every Monday night.

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