Snowy Streets

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We used to walk down the snowy streets of NYC and look at all the Christmas lights. Every single year we would walk the snow covered streets together. That all ended when I was 17.


They literally had no logical reason to do it.

I was a straight A student, I was responsible, I never drank or smoked, I didn't even have a boyfriend!

And they kicked me out of their house anyways.

So I did what any 17 year old that just got kicked out would do.

I ran to my best friend.

My best friend, Val, at the time. And he still is my best friend to this day.

In the midst of a mini blizzard, I crammed everything I could into a backpack and went to Val's place.

How I even got there in over 5 inches of snow and more snow coming down, baffles me to this day.

"Sharna! What the...come inside, come inside!"

I walked slowly into the house I had been to many times. I usually felt at home here, but I felt scared to be there now.

"Is everything okay?"

I shook my head.

"What happened, Love?"

"My parents kicked me out." I collapsed into his arms in tears, forgetting to be quiet and forgetting the fact it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

Then all of a sudden a light turned on from upstairs.

"Val?" Maks called out.

He descended down the stairs looking incredibly tired as if he hadn't slept a wink all night.

"Val, what is going on?"

"Sharna, she got kicked out of her house."

Maks's expression just melted away.

"Sharna..." Was all he could say.

He took me in for a hug before Val had the epiphany of all epiphanies.

"What are you going to do about school?"

They were just out from school for their last year, and they both were planning on going to a huge college and studying arts and they were both going to do something amazing.

Now only one of them was going to do that.

"I'm not."

Nobody knew how to respond to this situation.

"I'm going to find a job and make a living."

Val sighed.

"Just stay with us, please. Only until you find a stable job."

And so I did.

A year and a half later, I had a stable job, my own apartment, and nothing stopping me.

I was still bound to become the amazing person I told myself I was going to be.

And every year, I step onto the snowy streets of NYC and look at the Christmas lights alone.

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