White Knuckles

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"Sharna, your knuckles are turning white." Whitney pointed out as we stood in the Red Room during the live show.

"Oh, sorry."

"You good, Lovely?"

"No, not really."

"What's up? Nerves?"

"Yeah, we could say that."

"What do you mean?"

"Stuff went down. With James."


"Yeah, stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"He kissed me!" Sharna said as quickly as possible.

"He kissed you?"


Whitney sighed.

"But Val, and, and..."

"Lovely, just don't worry about that right now. You still have to perform. Get your head in that mindset."

"I don't know if that's going to happen."


It all came down during her performance.

James and Sharna were out to perform when Sharna kept making misteps during the dance that the judges obviously caught.

It was after eliminations, and they stayed in for another week which was good, but right after she dashed off to her trailer.

"Babe? It's me, let me in." A familiar Ukrainian accent came through her closed door.

"It's unlocked." Sharna said just loud enough for him to hear.

Val slowly opened the door and his heart shattered at her expression.

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fin--"

Val stopped her when he gave her the 'I-know-you-actually-aren't-okay-let-me-help-you' look.

"No." She finished herself.

"What happened? You don't mistep like that."

"James kissed me. It was an accident, I swear, but..."

"Shar, if it was an accident, then it is fine."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious."

"It had to be innocent."

"It was." She whispered.

"Exactly. That's why I'm not mad." He kissed her forehead.

Val sat on the couch and let Sharna settle into his arms.

James ended up cracking the door open to make sure she was alright, but closed the door when he saw how peaceful she looked in his arms.

"I love you, Val."

He wiped the tear off her cheek.

"Love you too."

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