Paw Prints

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// This oneshot contains spoilers for "A Sasha and Emma Story" //

// This oneshot takes place right after the chapter Phone Call and right before the chapter To: Her. //

// What occurs in this oneshot will not transfer to the story, so none of these events impact the storyline. //



Emma walked into her and Sasha's home as broken down as all get out.

"Babe, come here." Sasha called out to her with open arms.

She felt safe when his arms were wrapped around her.

It was a good place to be, in his arms.

Emma just broke down, crying.

"I'm the reason we lost our baby." She cried into Sasha's shoulder.

"No, no, Emma, what did I tell you about thinking like that?" Sasha asked, running his fingers through the ends of her hair.

"They're so mad at me." She cried.

"They have no reason to be. You can't control this kind of stuff. It would've been different if you drank or smoked, but you didn't do any of that." He reassured her. "None of this is your fault."

They both pulled back from the hug, and Sasha took his fingertips and wiped away her tears.

"Hey, why don't we go see the pros?" Sasha tried to cheer her up.

Emma didn't feel like going. She just wanted to stay in all day.

She politely shook her head.

"Alright." Sasha smiled once more and kissed her head.


It was nearing 9 o'clock.

Emma was wrapped up in Sasha's arms on the couch when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Emma said, standing up.

She opened the door and saw nobody outside. Until she looked at the ground.

Duke and Daisy...?

"Surprise, Love!" Sharna turned from around the corner.

By now, the puppies had gone inside and were attacking Sasha with puppy kisses.

"Sasha texted the me, saying you could use a pick-me-up sometime soon, and I know how much you love the puppies, so ta-da! Here I am." Sharna smiled and gave her unbiological sister a hug.

"Thank you for this, Sharna, a lo--" Emma was cut off by two furry feet jumping on her.

"Someone wants Emma hugs." Sharna said, looking down at Daisy.

"Glad to give them." Emma said, scooping up the puppy and sitting back on the couch.

Sharna joined the two of them - and the puppies of course - and they finished out Titanic.


A man’s best friend? Try everyone's best friend.

DWTS 100 Prompt Challenge!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz