White Roses

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Emma adored white roses. No lies.

After every show, Sasha would hand her a single white rose.

Now he was standing with a bouquet of white roses.

He nervously paced around the apartment, waiting for Emma to come home.

She walked into the apartment, only to be stopped by the white roses.

"Sash! Thank you so much!" She laid a kiss on his lips.

The flowers were set in a vase before Emma went upstairs to change from rehearsal clothes.

"EMMA! COME OUT HERE, IT IS SERIOUS!" Sasha shouted from the nicely decorated patio.

Emma began to seriously freak out. What the heck happened in the five minutes she was upstairs?

"BE RIGHT THERE, BABE!" She yelled back down the stairs.

Sasha's heartbeat raced. This would change his whole life.

Emma came down to the patio.

"Sasha." She saw the gorgeously decorated patio.

"Miss. Slater." He took her hand and lead her to the middle of the patio.

He cut his sentence short only to start dancing with his girlfriend.

After a few dances, Sasha continued his sentence.

He slowly got down on one knee and pulled a box from his pocket.

"Will you marry me?"

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