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Val is a Broadway playwright AU

"You've been slaving over that piano for days now." I said, walking into Val's apartment. He jumped and turned around when I came in.

"I haven't been at it for that long." Val laughed dryly.

"You haven't answered my calls for days, I was worried half to death!" I exclaimed, exasperated. "I came all the way here to make sure you were still alive."

"I'm alive, don't worry, Sharna." Val stood up and went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. I cringed when he took a sip, figuring that all he'd had in terms of food and water in the last however long it was, was coffee. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Val titled his head at me.

"Have you eaten anything? Have you been taking breaks?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. Val set his mug down and sighed.

"Um, okay, listen--" Val started, wrapping his arms around my neck loosely.

"Val! You promised me that you'd stop and rest! Last time I heard from you was last Wednesday, and you fell asleep at that freaking piano!" I sighed. "I-I understand you want to get your play done, but, it doesn't have to all be done right this second."

"I know, I know, but I just, I need to get act one done." He grabbed his mug and walked back to the piano, sitting back down. I watched as he shuffled through masses of handwritten sheet music, before finding the one he wanted. "Are you just going to stand there?" He turned to me.

"Your hands are shaking, Val." I walked over to the piano bench and grabbed his hands in mine. Val kissed my forehead, and I looked down at his tense fingers; they were indeed shaking. I massaged my thumbs into the backs of his hands, causing Val's shoulders and back to relax. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment at this newfound calmness. I slowly brought my thumbs to a stop, and kissed his knuckles. Val opened his eyes, and I could see the exhaustion in them. "You're exhausted, My Love." I whispered. Val nodded and gave me a hug. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. He lifted his head from my shoulder and looked me right in the eyes. His hands were still shaking. "Go to bed, you need it."

"But Sharna, I have my play, and...and Mandy wants the music by Friday for act one, and--" Val's eyes went between me and the piano.

"Go to sleep, please. For me?" I kissed his cheek. He finally agreed to taking a nap.

"Sharna May, what would I be doing without you?"

"You'd probably be starving and still slaving over that grand piano." I laughed and gave him one last kiss before he fell asleep.

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