Last Hour Physics

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She walked into last hour physics, and the first thing he realized were how dull her eyes looked. She sat and scribbled something down, maybe it was on the desk, maybe on paper, he couldn't tell.

But what he could tell was that something was bothering her.

"Sharna!" He called to her after class, when she had packed up her things and was closing her locker to go home.

"Go away, Val." She muttered, turning the combination lock and rummaging through her locker once more.

"Sharna, I just need to know--"

"I said go away, Val!" She slammed the locker door shut, flipped up the hood of her coat and got to her car.

He took a deep breath and tried to shake the thought of her emotionless smile out of his mind because he couldn't bare to think of it.

He saw her the next day in history as well. Same dull eyes, same emotionless, plastered on smile.

He tried to get her to budge, but she wouldn't.

Same thing happened in English, this time, she still wouldn't budge. She did her classic "Go away" skit and kept typing.

"Well, maybe working will take her mind off of whatever it is." He thought until he noticed she was typing nonsense characters into the Google search bar as if she was trying to form a question she didn't know how to word instead of doing her paper over the significance of symbolism in classic literature pieces.

He about had it. Sure, they were seniors, and sure it was childish, but he wrote her a note and threw it to her across class in a paper airplane.

'Meet me by my car after school, we need to talk'

Sharna looked back at Val and nodded subtly at him, letting him know she got his message.

And in what felt like was the blink of an eye, it was the end of the day, and Sharna was standing by Val's car waiting for him.

By the time Val got out there, it was pouring rain, and Sharna was trying her hardest to avoid the rain, but holding a textbook above her head wasn't doing too much.

"Here." Val opened his umbrella and held it over the both of them.

"Thanks." Sharna whispered, still staring at her feet. "Now can we please make whatever this is quick so I can go?"

"Sure, Shar." Val smiled. "The only thing I asked you over here for was because I'm worried about you. Are you okay? Are Mama and Papa Burgess doing okay?" See, the two had been friends for what seemed like forever, so he had the right and respect to call Sharna's parents Mama and Papa.

"Yeah, they're fine."

"Okay, why are you still looking down? This umbrella is protecting you." He tried to tilt her chin up, but she refused. "Sharna, look at me."


"Sharna, please, something's wrong. This isn't like you."

"Just let me go home!" She put her textbook back over her head and ran out from under the umbrella.

"Sharna May!" Val yelled at the top of his lungs and grabbed her shoulder to stop her. She turned around and faced him for once today.

"Is this what you wanted?!" She yelled, tears and raindrops simultaneously ran down her cheeks.

"Sharna May..." Val repeated, now in a more quiet tone. The rain had smeared her foundation, almost completely off, and he saw what she had been trying to hide. "Who did this to you?" His hand rested on her cheek, and his thumb traced the long scar across her cheek.

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