Tin Lunchboxes (Part 4)

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Previously in "Tin Lunchboxes":

"I think it's time we have children."

"Well..." Sharna sat her glass of water down on the coffee table. "That was...sudden."

"But, Shar, don't you want to have children?"

"Well...I do..."


Her hand went to flip over the three tests in front of them, (because Peta recommended taking a few from different brands) but she stopped herself.

"You, Val, turn them over, I can't."

"Okay, Love."



He smiled and ran his thumb over her cheek. "You want a family? We'll make it happen. We'll find a way. We always do."

"We'll make this work." He whispered once again, before pulling her into a passionate kiss.


"Sharna, are you okay? You've been all over the place today."

"Yeah, I'm...fine." She shook her head.

"You're sending me mixed signals, Sharna, Darling." Peta said...

"Yes, I'm fine, my goodness!" Sharna said and stood up.


"Sharna, I really don't want to yell at you, but you can't. Please just admit that you need help."

"Peta, I can't do that. You know I can't admit I need help."

"You know what else you can't do?" She said.

"What? What else can't I do, Peta?!" Sharna exclaimed.

"You and Val can't have a baby."

Sharna's face went ghost white. "H-h-how do you know that?"

"I saw the negative tests by the empty tissue box in your bathroom when Maks and I were over at your place having dinner last week."

Sharna tried to come back with a rebuttle to Peta's perfect logic.

"Sharna, seriously, please."

"I just need support." She whispered.

"And that's what we're here for." Peta whispered as she took Sharna in for a tight hug. "That's what we're here for." She repeated in a whisper into Sharna's ear.


Fast forward about ten and a half months.


Sharna didn't knock. This was her sister. She just walked right in the door.

She walked in as Peta was cooking lunch for Shai.

Peta turned around when she heard the door open, and saw Sharna's tear stained face.

"Oh, hey, Shar...no...Maks, can you come finish lunch?"

"Yeah, Darling. What's wron--? Oh, Sharna, Babe." He wrapped his arms around her torso.

Peta nodded and pulled her up the stairs.

"Sharna, Love, what happened? Are you alright?"

She shook her head.

"No? Darling, what's wrong?"

"Another test came out negative, and, and I was at my doctor's l-last week for, for..." Tears kept streaming down her cheeks.

"For what, Sharna? Darling, please breathe for a moment, then speak." Peta looked at her sister with the most genuine look of concern in her face.

Sharna took a deep breath and continued.

"I was there for one of those annual checkups, and they were running some tests and, and they found that there is a slight chance that Val and I are going to be able to have children." She cried and fell into Peta's arms.

"No, no, Sharna, Darling, that doesn't mean it for sure can't happen."

"But, Peta, slight chance."

"I know what it means, Shar."

Sharna dried her eyes and looked back at her sister.

"Have you talked to Val about it?"

"No. That's partially why I'm here."

"You're scared to tell him, aren't you?"

"Well, all he wants is a family, Peta!" Sharna started to pace. "And when he finds out that there is next to no chance of me being able to give him a family..." She sighed. "Peta, there's no way he'll ever be the same." She halted her pacing and looked down. Tears started to fall again, and her voice got quieter. "There's no way he'll ever love me the same."


Later, back home.

Sharna had just told Val everything.

"If you still don't love me, that's okay, I understand." She said quietly after.

Val was concerned that she even felt like that.

"Sharna May Chmerkovskiy, don't you ever think for even a second that I don't love you. Because, Princess, I will always love you. Thick and thin, I love you. Highs and lows, I love you. Absolutely insane twists and turns, I love you. I will never stop loving you, Sharna May, ever. I will still love you when we are spirits, haunting the abandoned ballroom or something. Princess, what I'm trying to say is that you matter more to me than my own wellbeing. That 'slight' chance? It is going to happen. We are going to have a family, Sharna, I know we are. Now, dry those beautiful eyes of yours, they don't need to be crying this much." He kissed her lips.

"Nothing will ever stop us." Val said to conclude his speech. "Nothing."

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