The Wall

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// Just as a heads up, this A.U. is very very far fetched, but just stay with me on this one. (Side note: I love you!) 😘 //

"Hold on, hold on, hold on." Hayley laid the paintbrush down in the bucket of paint at the sound of Jenna's voice. "Do you even still want to do this?"

"I mean, I do, but I don't want to paint the wall because if we paint it, and then we fail, then having this corner of the basement painted will be a constant reminder that we failed."

"Jen," Hayley laughed. "It's a corner, not a whole wall."

"I know, but still!"

"Jenna Johnson, look at me. This was your whole idea in the first place! You were the one that was like 'hey, Hayley you know what would be really cool? If we started a YouTube channel.' And here I am on board with this whole thing, but you don't want to because you're scared of painting this wall?"

"No, it's not painting the wall, it's what the wall symbolizes. Hayley, what if we actually can't do this?" Jenna sighed and sat on the floor.

"But what if we can?"

"But what if we can't?"

"But what if we can?" Hayley repeated herself and handed Jenna a paintbrush. "Now or never."

Jenna rolled her eyes subtly, but stood up. She grabbed the paintbrush and started painting one of the corner walls of their basement. See, the two had lived in a small house together with a few other friends to all help with paying the rental, but then those said other friends got into relationships and now live with their boyfriends. More or less, the basement would soon become a filming and editing studio for the girl's YouTube channel.

"Alright." Hayley smiled when the wall had been painted. "We still have normal jobs to attend to while this dries."

"Let's go." Jenna followed Hayley back up the stairs and they started working on their real careers. Hayley was a part time dance teacher at a local studio, but was enrolled in a college online. Jenna was a fulltime teacher at the same studio as Hayley, and had finished the last of her online courses the previous year.


About a week later, the wall had dried, and the rest of the backdrop pieces had been put in place.

"So, five videos a week, every week, for a year?" Jenna reviewed the plan with Hayley.

"That's the plan." She smiled and clicked on the camera, preparing the both of them to film their first ever video.

Jenna caught a glimpse of the painted wall in their viewfinder.

Maybe painting that wall is worth it.

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