Plan B: Nonexistent (Pt 2)

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"I believe in you, alright?"

"I believe in you too, Valentin."


I stepped into the audition room, nervous as all get out, and put on my audition number sticker.


Val stood beside me, and we made some more small talk.

10 minutes before the audition, in walks Maria, an old friend from The Down Under.

"No." I whispered and started to peel the sticker off.

"Woah, what is up with you?" Val stopped me.

"See that girl in the blue? Well she's a backstabbing ex-friend of mine and I'm done."

"What are you doing, leaving?"

"Yeah, I mean, she's worlds better than I am. And if she makes it and I don't she'll rub it in and never live it down."

"You said she was an ex-friend."

"Yeah, but she still pops into my life here and there."

Val nodded with a slightly confused look on his face.

"But anyways, I'll be calling a cab."

"No, Princess, you're staying right here."


"Yeah, that's your new nickname. Because you're sweet and cute, but you're also an independent firecracker who doesn't take 'no' for an answer. Therefore, Princess."

"Well, if I'm Princess, then you're Prince, just to make it even."

"Alright, then, Princess, are you going to audition and kick her butt, or are you--"

"Going to just not try because I know I'm going to fail." I cut him off.

"PRINCESS, NO!" Val scolded. "You are not going to sabotage your own audition for some girl that isn't even your friend! This is all you are! You told me that in the cab! You cannot sabotage your audition!"

"Fine." I said. I knew he wasn't giving up.

So, I did just that.

I didn't sabotage my audition.

I danced with all my heart as I always did, but it really mattered this time.

Every emotion I had felt.

Every sleepless night was whisked away in the three minutes I had to audition.


After that, we had the dreaded three weeks of waiting until we got the results.

Val and I started hanging out.

Nothing serious, but we were hanging out.

Then one Monday morning, my phone rang, and so did Val's.

Welcome to the Dancing With The Stars pro lineup. The automated voice said into both Val and my ear.

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