Chapter 7

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We turned around to face her. And I couldn't help but smile a bit. She looked in my direction and showed a small smile.

"Well well well looks like we meet again." She laughed.

"Yeah I guess so." I replied a bit nervously.

"Hold on a second. Mira you know Troy." Mat asked.

"I met him this morning. I helped him find the office." Mira said facing mat then putting her eyes back on me.

"Oh well okay." Mat said.

"So is he in our group now. You know are little squad?" Jake asked.

"I don't know we just met him. He probably need some more getting to know us." Mat joked.

"We'll Friday do you guy's want to get together and hang out?" Jake asked pointing at everyone.

Every said yes to his question besides me.

"Well Troy are you in?" Jake asked

"Sure man I'm in." I said not knowing what I'm getting myself into.

"Great my house around seven. We can play board games or something."

The bell rung and everyone began to walk to their next class.

"It was great meeting you." Rose said before walking away.

The rest of school went by quick. I went to the library after sixth period since I didn't have a seventh. The library wasn't hard to find I walked inside and sat at a table by myself. After a while this girl and a small group of others walked towards me.

"Hey. My name is Alexis. What's yours?" She asked rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm Troy." I looked up and answered moving my shoulder stopping her.

"Well Troy I'm having a party Saturday and your invited." Alexis said with a creepy smile.

I never been to a party before but it wouldn't hurt to meet new people.

"If I'm free I'll stop by."

"Well just and cause here's my address and number." Alexis said putting a folded paper in my hand.

"You won't regret going." Alexis whispered in my ear before walking off with her group.

Wow that never happened to me before. After a while the bell rung and I started to walk to my car. When I reached the parking lot I saw Mira sitting on a bench.

"Are you waiting for your ride?" I asked walking over to her.

"Yeah but it's going to be a while. My mom doesn't get off until another hour." She said hitting her phone on her lap.

"I can take you home." I offered.

"No it's okay I can wait."

"I don't mind. And it also gives me time to get to know you." I say looking at the ground.

"I guess you're right." Mira smiled and said.

She got up from the bench and we walked to my car. I opened the door for her and then got in myself.

"So where to ma'am?" I asked putting on my seatbelt.

Mira smiled "20butler drive please kind sir."

I pulled out my phone and typed the address in my GPS. It wasn't that far from the school.

I turned on the car and began to drive her home.

"Thanks again for taking me home."

"It's no problem. So where are you from?" I asked focused on the road.

"I'm from here. How about yourself where are you from?"

"I'm from Ohio." I replied.

"Cool. So how was your first day here." She asked looking at me.

"It was okay better then expected." I said giving her a quick stare.

"Left turn here." My GPS said.

"Oh really and why was it better then you expected?" She questioned.

"Because I meant you." I said looking at her then back at the road.

Mira blushed and her cheeks turned red.

"Oh.  Turn here turn here." She said pointing at the sign.

I turned even though the GPS didn't say to.

"It's a short cut to my house."

She probably caught on to my facial expression.

"You are at your destination." My GPS said.

"Which house is yours?"

"This one right here."

I pulled in her drive way.

"Thank you again for doing this." She said taking off her seatbelt.

"You're welcome." I replied.

Mira open the car door.

"Maybe we can get to know each other a little better next time." I said before she got out the door.

"I'll like that see you around." She smiled before closing the car door.

I watched her walk inside her house before driving off. I drove home using my GPS. Because I really didn't know where I was. I made it home got out the car and went inside.

"Mom I'm home." I yelled putting the keys back on the hook. I'm starving I wonder if she made dinner.

"I'll be down in a minute." My mom yelled back from upstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and saw a unfamiliar face.

"Hey Troy. How are you?"

•••End Of Chapter •••
If you're reading this that means you made it to the end of the chapter. Thank you for staying with me thus far. I want to do a Q/A so if you guys have any questions for me DM me or comment them here. You know what to do comment and leave a vote if you enjoyed it. Thanks guy's.

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