Chapter 52

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Jarl Elisif smiled at the sight of the sun appearing across the ocean. She loved waking up early to admire the way that nature itself could provide such beauty. She sighed a little as well when she recalled that her dearly departed husband used to tell her that she was the most beautiful sight in all of Tamriel.

"I think the gods must be jealous of you right now," Elisif muttered with a small grin at the thought of her husband arguing with the gods about what was beautiful to him.

"My Jarl...are you alright?"

Elisif turned her head and smiled in thanks to the young Dawnguard soldier that stood there. The Dawnguard had managed to begin regrouping, mainly thanks to the Dragonborns influence, and they had now posted a few dozen soldiers in Solitude as a result of the vampire attacks which were seemingly increasing at a phenomenal rate.

"I'm fine, thank you. What's your name?" she asked formally.

"Jorgen, My Jarl. Jorgen Windhammer," the guard replied.

"Keep up the good work Jorgen," Elisif said simply.

She smiled wider as the young guard blushed at her words, gave her a small head bob and walked around the corner. She liked to think that Morgan was becoming a good influence on her. Elisif had seen how the woman-turned vampire treated people so openly, and while many thought that she should remain aloof when talking to others, Elisif found that she liked talking to people openly and honestly.

Her thoughts now turned to the Dragonborn. Morgan and her vampire companion hadn't been seen anywhere in Skyrim for around a week now, and many citizens were getting a little nervous. Morgan had made a living out of travelling the country and helping out wherever she could, so when she vanished without trace for over a week, many thought that she had been captured...or worse.

She may have the power of a dragon' soul but she is still mortal in a sense. She can still be killed, Elisif thought sadly as she continued to watch the sun rise slowly. She hated thinking such things, but she knew that this was the case. Anyone could be killed unless they were a divine or even a Daedric Prince. A vampire was a formidable opponent but they could be killed, and Morgan, despite her abilities, had apparently cheated death once before.

As if in accordance to her thoughts, Elisif heard footsteps and she smiled as the Dunmer mage from the College of Winterhold gave her a warm smile, her orange tinted irises full of good humour.

"Brelyna. You are up early," Elisif commented.

Brelyna grinned wider.

"I've always been an early riser My Jarl...I just sleep more in the day time now," she chuckled.

"One day, I will get you to say my name openly...honestly, you are just as bad as Morgan used to be."

"No-one is as bad as her," Brelyna muttered jokingly.

Elisif laughed as she lightly patted the mages hand, ignoring how cold her skin was to the touch.

"For once, we can agree there."

Brelyna felt her smile fall as she observed the way that Elisifs eyes became a little vacant. She recognised that look. Savos Aren also had that look whenever he was thinking hard about something, and Brelyna had a feeling what she was thinking about.

"Still no sign of her?"

"No...I'm worried my dear. Theirs is no other word for it...I am worried about her."

"She's always getting into trouble. But she also has Serana, Jordis and Aela to watch her back," Brelyna reasoned as she held both of Elisifs hands in hers.

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