Chapter 20

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"Our Hero, our Hero, claims a warrior's heart,

I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes.

With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art,

Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes.

It's an end to the evil of all Skyrim's foes,

Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes,

For the darkness has passed and the legend yet grows,

You'll know, you'll know, the Dragonborn's come."

Morgan smiled a little as the young woman sang the song about the Dragonborn. She loved how the words seemed to make her feel as though someone still believed in her.

Morgan and Serana were now sitting down in the corner of the tavern in Falkreath. They had agreed that it would be safer to go to the Sanctuary when it was night time. As it was, it was late afternoon, so they decided to pass the time by picking up information from the locals as they drank and talked. They picked the darkest part of the room and just listened, their heightened senses of hearing being able to pick up even a whisper in the sheer ruckus that was around them.

Morgan could overhear the tavern bard having to tell a drunk Nord that 'she as going to make sure he wouldn't have anything to use, if he carried on with his advances' that made her grin, and she sniggered when a second later, she heard a sharp slap being administered to the drunks face before she walked away. She then overheard a few snippets of rumours about herself as well, so she concentrated on that conversation over all the others.

"I tell you, she's not what you think she is Roland. She's still the Dragonborn. She's still the woman who defeated the World Eater himself!"

"Apart from the fact she likes to drain people of their blood now, you milk drinker. She's a vampire now"

"And? You know as well as I do that some vampires stay away from that path. You know about the rumours of that group of vampires in Morthal"

"Yes, because they don't want to kill off their food supply, moron. Morgan is still the Dragonborn but try telling her that if she's hungry"

"If I met her, I would"

"Yeah right. And maybe Talos himself would appear alongside her and tell you that she's still human"

"Ugh, you are such a twit. If you think she's all bad, then explain why she helped liberate Whiterun from the Thalmor then?"

There was silence and Morgan had to grin. The man who still seemed to believe in her on some level had won the argument. They had heard a few conversations about the events in Whiterun in the two days they had spent travelling to Falkreath, and all of them had centred on the Thalmors defeat thanks to the vampires and the Jarl fighting together. Falkreath was an Imperial controlled village, but many of the people there were now coming around to seeing that the Empire was a puppet organisation, and some had even started forming ideas about a possible breakaway from both the Stormcloak and Empire altogether.

Then she felt a small tug on her sleeve, and she turned her head slightly to see a small girl of around seven years old staring at her, her slightly grimy face being overshadowed by her beaming smile.

"Its you. You're her!"

Morgan placed a gentle finger on the girls lips and winked.

"Shhhh, don't tell anyone. Its our little secret"

The girl giggled and nodded...and Morgan relaxed, she had been ready to calm her mind and to make her forget, but seeing the girl nod vehemently had changed her mind in following that course.

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