Chapter 4

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The next few days, Morgan simply stayed in her home. She and Lydia had cleaned up the mess (thankfully, her dearly departed husbands' body had been removed by the time she and Lydia had been released from the Temple), and they simply stayed inside the house, only venturing outside for supplies. Morgan looked up at Lydia, who was sleeping upright in her chair near her bed and she smiled a little. Lydia had been watching her every time she ever so much as sat down.

She slowly stood up and placed a blanket around her before lying back in her bed and staring at the ceiling, where she could see Dawnbreaker, the sword she had been given by one of the daedric Princes, glistening brightly. She remembered that it was best against the undead, so with that in mind, she decided she would use that blade whenever she left the town. She would give her daedric sword to Lydia as a token of her appreciation.

With that decided, she thought about Marcus and what he would say if he saw her acting so.

"He would tell me I was being thick" she muttered softly, her lips twitching in a small smile for a moment.

But he would be right, she told herself after a few moments. She had holed herself away from everyone except Lydia, and while she loved being with her, she also knew that it would be best if she left the house more often and tried to get on with her life. It wouldn't be easy, but she thought she could manage. Maybe start adventuring again, clean out some bandit caves. Hell, she might even take up Kodlaks' offer of joining the Companions. He had sought her out the day before and he had talked about his loss of his wife many years ago...and what he had done to try and live his life.

If he can do that, so can I, Morgan told herself.

She smiled as she watched Lydia wake up and blink slowly, looking at the blanket wrapped around her with a bewildered expression.

"You looked like you needed it"

Lydia just chuckled as she sat back in her chair, keeping the blanket around her and smiling slightly.

"Thank you Morgan"

"See, you said my name. That wasn't so hard was it?"

She couldn't help but laugh as a blanket suddenly smacked against her face.

The following morning, she decided to enchant the daedric longsword for Lydia. She insisted that she would be fine as Lydia had tried to ask if she needed company, replying that if she could make her some healing potions, she would be grateful. Lydia had nodded and Morgan had hid a smile as she made her way to Dragonsreach. She still remembered when she trapped Odahviing inside, and his subsequent embarrassment. She still teased him about it every so often.

She nodded to Irileth, who seemed happy to see her up and about, before walking over to the enchanting table, placing the sword gently and fishing out a grand soul gem. She didn't own many of these (because she did have Azuras Star after all) but she wanted this sword to be wonderful for her closest friend.

And after a few hours, she was beaming at the sight of the newly enchanted blade. A fire enchantment and a soul trap enchantment would come in handy for whenever Lydia accompanied her on her travels...they were always seemingly attacked by wolves and they did have a large stack of petty gems to use...they could make some enchanted clothing, armour and weapons for everyone in the town for protection and gratitude for the kindness.

"Ah, you're among the upright"

Morgan had to smile a little at the jarls humour. She had gotten used to it and she needed a laugh right now.

"At least I walk upright when I am drunk" she retorted.

"Pah, we all know what you Bretons are like with drink" Jarl Balgruuf said with a smile, walking over to her.

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