chapter 42

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"Why are you dying your hair again?"

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"Why are you dying your hair again?"

"I promise once I dye it I'll leave it." I tell Jason, pulling my shirt over my head.

"I don't understand why your doing it again." He tells me, "I think you looked good with brown, not that I don't like blonde.."

I softly chuckle, grabbing my jeans and pulling them up my legs. "It's my hair, Jase. Besides don't you like when I change it up?"

"I like it however you like it."

I stand up, grabbing my phone. "My appointment is in thirty minutes so we should get going."

"We still going to dinner then meeting the others at the bowling alley?" Jason questioned, standing up.

"Yes." I reply, texting Anastasia back. "You did make our reservation right?"

"Yes, Addison." He replied, "Everything is taken care of all you have to do is look beautiful."

I toss my phone on the bed and walk over to the closet, getting my converses. "Is it cold outside?"

"Eh, kinda." He shrugged, I walked back over to the bed and started putting my shoes on. "I'd take a sweatshirt just in case."

"Soon enough of my sweatshirts will fit." I groan, standing at up again.

"You can get new ones."

"I'm gonna look like a cow." I pout, looking at him.

Jason laughs and leans over the bed, kissing my lips. "You'll still look beautiful, Addi."

"You have to say that."

"No. I'm saying it because your beautiful." He tells me, "You'll be beautiful even if you look like a cow."

He laughs to himself, referring to when I called myself a cow. I playfully shove him.

Arriving at the salon, I step out and close my door. I see Anastasia waving inside, through the glass windows. I softly laugh and Jason follows my gaze, "She's crazy."

"So am I." I walk away, "That's why we're best friends."

When we enter, Anastasia pulls me into a hug. "Are you excited to see yourself with black hair?"

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