chapter 3

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After all the votes were counted, Hawaii is indeed the trip we're taking

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After all the votes were counted, Hawaii is indeed the trip we're taking. I'm really excited, I've always wanted to go. The pictures look so beautiful. We still have a few days until we leave so for now, I'm gonna focus on school.

I close my locker as Anastasia was going on and on about some club that was opening up. "So like, we're going."

"We?" I leaned against the lockers, "I'm not going. You can."

"Please, Addison." She begged, "It'll be fun I promise."

"I'm not even old enough, Anastasia."

"Which is why we have these." She pulls out two I.Ds from her pocket and handed me one.

"Where the hell did you even get these?" I asked, looking at mine. It looked so real.

She shrugged. "Elliot has connections."

"I'm still not going." I hand it back to her, "I have homework."

I turn and walk away, excepting her to follow me but she didn't. However, I did run into Elliot on my way to class.

"You got your mad face on, what's up?"

"Anastasia's begging me to go to that new club that's opening up." I implied, "And I don't wanna go."

"You don't wanna go?"

"No." I shake my head, "I don't like them."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "How do you know that if you've never been?"

"I don't need to go to know that they'll be horny pushy guys there who don't know what the word no means." I said my thoughts, "I just don't see the point, there's fights too. Clubs are just pointless."

"Addison, cmon." He placed his hand on my shoulder, "It's senior year, live a little. Honestly, I think you deserve it. Your always doing everything right, you should go and have some fun."

"Elliot!" Someone called from down the hallway, I knew it was his idiot group of guy friends so I didn't even bother looking.

"Promise that you'll at least think about it." He scanned my eyes with his as I simply nod my head before he walked away.

I knew I was about to face Ana again because of us having the same math class. I went to the fending machine for a pack of gum before going to class because I didn't want to be late. Once arriving, I walk to my seat and see Anastasia writing in her notebook. "I got some gum, do you want one?"

No answer.



"Are you seriously not talking to me?"

No answer.

"This is stupid, come one."

Still no answer.

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