chapter 13

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"What do you mean she's back?"

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"What do you mean she's back?"

"She showed up just before you guys got back.." Jason replies. "She wants me to forgive her."

I chuckle, "She left you. From your words, she completely destroyed you and she has the nerve to come back here and ask for your forgiveness."

Jason sits down next to me, placing his hand on my knee, "It's okay. I want nothing to do with her, Addison. She's not getting my forgiveness."

"I'm sorry Jason." I shake my head, "I just hope she doesn't get into this, we already have enough problems with Marko."

Jason sighs, "Speaking of Marko, me and the guys are going to check out where he's staying."

I glance at him, "Today?"

Jason nods, "Sooner the better."

"Just be careful please."

Jason puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. "I will, I promise."

"Maybe I shouldn't go."

"Jason." I chuckle, "It's okay. We'll be fine. We're gonna eat, watch some movies. We need this done."

"I know." He nods, pulling me in for a hug."

After saying our goodbyes, Me, Ana and Katy began watching movies.

"Am I the only one that's hungry?" Katy questioned.

Anastasia shakes her head, "No I'm starving too."

"I'm not really hungry." I reply, "Just go get something."

"And leave you here by yourself? No way."

"I agree with Katy, Addi." Anastasia says, "No way in hell."

"We're in the middle of the woods you guys." I reply, "Nobody is gonna hurt me, Jason said there's a pizza place right up the road, like five minutes. I'll be fine."

"Fine, but lock all the doors." Katy tells me, "Don't even answer the door, I'll knock four times so you know it's us."


"Are you sure he's not home, James?"

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"Are you sure he's not home, James?"

"He's not home, chill." Replied James.

How the fuck are we suppose to get inside?" Cody asked.

I brought my foot up and I kicked the door about 3 times before it opened.

"I could've done that." Cody mumbled.

"Yeah well you didn't." James chuckles.

Cody chuckles, "Neither did you."

We all walked inside, looking around.

"At least he knows how to clean." James says.

"Check the place out." I tell them, "See if there's any information on his laptops or anything."

About 30 minutes into looking around, Marko's tracker went off. Every time Marko moves from one place to another it tells us.

I looked at James while everyone else still looked around in things.

James looked at the screen and he looked up at me.

"What, why are you looking at me like that?"

James quickly walks over, showing me the screen of his phone, "1324 Davis trail? But that's.."


I then dropped everything I had in my hand and stormed out of the room.

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