chapter 35

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My eyes slowly open from the burning sun that was shining through the window, I rubbed my eyes for a second before turning around, seeing a sleeping Jason

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My eyes slowly open from the burning sun that was shining through the window, I rubbed my eyes for a second before turning around, seeing a sleeping Jason.

Memories of last night quickly went through my mind, It was amazing, last night was amazing. God I love him so much.

I stare at his beautiful face as he slept.

"Your staring." He whispers, still having his eyes closed. "It's creepy."

I smile, "Good morning."

His eyes slowly open, revealing his beautiful brown eyes. "Good morning."

I smile again and sit up but wrapping the sheet around my body.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I feel him sit up.

"Yeah, just a little sore." I tell him, "But, its okay."

He nods and kisses my cheek. "I love you.

"I love you too."

"Is that everything?" I questioned Jason as he loads our bags into the rented car.

Sadly, Today is Sunday which means we're leaving Vegas.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure."

"I hate that this is over."

"It's okay. We'll always be able to take trips like this." He says as he walks over to me.

I nod. "I know but tomorrow we're gonna be back to our daily lives. Which is fighting, until Owen and his gang our dead, I don't think any of us are safe."

"I thought this was over when we killed Marko." Jason says, "I really did, I thought everything was finally gonna get better then this happened."

"You killed Marko? Why can't you kill him?"

"Which took time." He says. "Plus a trip to NewYork, and I don't wanna leave you again."

"You guys ready?" Anastasia's voice said from behind me. I turn around and everyone is walking out of the hotel.

"Yeah." I say softly and walk, getting into the driver side.

"Thanks for helping me." I laugh and tell Anastasia as she helps me carry my bags upstairs.

She sits them on my bed. "Your welcome." She laughs. "So, I can drive myself to classes now."

"You got a car?"

She nods. "Yep."

"That's great." I smile and begin unpacking.


I look up at her. "So what?"

"So tell me, what happen? Little bang bang?" She teased.

I hesitate for a second before I smile and nod.

"No way!" She yells. "Seriously?"

"I'm serious." I smile lightly. "We had sex and Ana it was amazing, It didn't feel like sex. It felt like ma-"

"Making love?" She smiles. "That's so cute!"

"But theres one problem.." I say as I look down.

"What problem could there be? You just had sex with a man you love!" She squealed.

I then look back up at her. She then gets the hint. "You didn't use a condom. Did you?"

I shake my head. "No and I'm scared. What if I get pregnant? How can we be so stupid to not use a condom."

"You guys were in the moment." She cooes. "It happens but It's okay. It was just one time right? Maybe the chances are slight."

"It only takes one time, Anastasia." I spoke softly, "What if I do get pregnant?"

Before Anastasia could reply I see Jason entering the room. "Hey Jase."
"I'll see you in the morning." She says to me before she turns and walks out.

"What was that all about?" Jason chuckles and walks over to me.

"Nothing." I reply and continued to unpack. "How's Natalie doing?

"She's unpacking too. Dean told me that they got along great, Maybe it'll happen for him.".

I chuckle following a smile. "Maybe."

"So about the other night.." He trails off, "Im not sure if this bothers you but-"

"I know we didn't use a condom, Jason."

Jason shakes his head and sits down, "How could we forget to use one?"

"We just got caught up in the moment and it happened, We forgot. We can't change it."

Jason softly chuckles, looking at me. "We should've used one, Addison. I can't have kids right now."

"Because of your life style?" I questioned, "Yeah. I know."

"It's that I don't want kids, because I do. I just can't take care of one right now with everything going on." He explains.

"Jason, I get it. It's okay." I say, continuing to in The chances of me getting pregnant are slight."

"It takes one time, Addison. One time to make a mistake."

I instantly looked up at him. Did he seriously just say that. "Mistake? So what we did is a mistake now?"

He stands up, "What? No I meant-"

"Don't." I hiss, putting my hand in front of me to stop him from coming closer. "I'm coming to help Natalie unpack and don't you dare follow me.

Jason's face softened, but I didn't care. I gave him one last look before turning in my tracks and exiting the room.

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