chapter 20 •part two•

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Today is the day Jason leaves for NewYork along with Cody, Dean and Drake

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Today is the day Jason leaves for NewYork along with Cody, Dean and Drake.

I can't believe I gave into staying here while they go handle Marko for themselves. I wanted to kill him for what he did to my parents.

Ally doesn't even know Codys leaving today for god knows how long.

I'm still mad at Jason for being mad at me, does that make sense? I didn't even stay there last night, I stayed at Anastasia's.

"You okay?" Anastasia asked snapping me from my thoughts.

I looked over at her, "Yeah? I'm fine."

"You sure?" She stood up and walked over to me. "You were like staring off into your own world."

"I said I'm fine."

"Damn. What the hell is up with you?"

I sighed, closing and reopened my eyes.
"I need to tell you something."

"Okay." She says and sits down beside me.

"When I got home from school yesterday Jason and the boys called me into the meeting room and." I paused.

"And what?"

"And they found Marko." I continued. "In NewYork."

"Really?" She smiles. "That's great."

I nod. "That's what I said, until I found out the other part."

"Well what's the other part?"

"There going to NewYork today." I whispered. "But they don't want us going."

"What?" She asked, "They can't be serious, can they?"

I nod. "There serious, Chasity is over saying goodbye now, I figured if you wanted to say goodbye to Cody, now would be the time."

"And what? Your not gonna say goodbye to Jason?"

I looked down and back up at her. "..I don't know if I should."

"You definitely should!" She hissed. "You have no idea when he's gonna be back, You would be an idiot if you didn't say goodbye to him, Addison."

"Then I'm an idiot."

"Okay so I got cookies-"

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