Chapter 73 A new hero shall return

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~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

So you know ghost family ghost hunters they don't get a long to well. Yeah The guys in white laughed at us. I mean all 20-30 of them laughed. "W-what's t-that little tiger g-going to do mewo at us?" One of the guys in white said. Then more laughter was heard.

Julie looked man (Prepare for hell) "Oh I know you didn't just call Mr.Bubbles small!" Julie said while pointing her staff at Mr.Bubbles. "H-his name is Bubbles! Oh m-man best day of my life what a joke. Now listen little girl-"

"I AM TALLER THAN YOU WHO THE HELL YOU CALLING LITTLE I AM 5'8" (I'm really like this in real life XD)

"Shut up! By force of law and in the guys in white I will use force-"

She threw a folding chair at his throat I couldn't help but laugh a little. Ok so we all laughed a lot. "Don't make no sense un invited guest in this house breaking their stuff. And messing up dinner you guys are so rude. Either apologize and leave or stay and possibly die here" Julie said asking the non injured other guy in white.

"I'll think we'll have to stay for a while" He said while aiming his gun at her. "Fine suit your self" She said and made her tiger bigger with a blast from her staff.

The guys in white looked a little frighten. But my mom quickly threw one of her jungle knives at on them, and two of the guys in white were pin to the wall with the knife. The big fight started my dad flipped over the dinning table as a shield. Then he grabbed some ghost looking guns that Danny parents have.

Me, Jazz, Danny, Sam and Tucker head for the table. "I hate these guys" Danny said while turning into his ghost form. I did the same as well. "Who are they? And what do they want?" I asked "They are the Guys in white and they want to get rid of all ghost in this town" Sam tells me.

"So what's the plan?" Tucker asked "Try not to die" I told them "That's plan A plan B is that Sam and Tuck stay here with (Y/N)'s Dad and shoot them down if they try to come over here got it?" Danny said to them and they nodded.

Sam starts to take out her weapons. "Ready?" Danny asked me. "Always" I said and we both charged into the fight to help my mom, Ember and Julie. I started to blast the guys in white. I kinda set one of them of fire. THEN THE MOST AMAZING THING HAPPENED.

Guess who else joined the party? Go on guess... JUSTICE LEAGUE THATS WHO. The flash or Barry Allen ran through the door and took out the guys in white quickly. Wonder Woman crashed down from the ceiling with her sword and shield. Cyborg came what use to be the front door and just started blasting them with his arm cannon.

Uncle Batman came through the window and threw his batarang and some of his other stuff. The man of steel started to throw some punches and uses his laser beam eyes. Green lantern fought side by side with green arrow. And Aquaman used his trident to attack the incoming guys in white who were back up.

More guys in white kept coming in trying to attack us and take us away. But hey when you have the justice league popping out of no where to fight for you it's pretty easy. Danny froze some of them in solid place some of them had fancy weapons. But I have family to fight with who needs weapons these days?

Finally they guys in white retreated when they ran out of back up for their back up. We all stopped fighting and my house looked trashed... But I had fun though!! That's all that matters.

"So uh Julie friends of yours?" I asked her

"Wait you didn't call them here?"

"You're the one with feature powers you tell me"

"I can't tell you everything but what I can tell you is that I didn't call them here, and also I know Flash" She tells me my uncle came up to my parents.

My dad is a comic fan so he looked like he was gonna pass out. As for my mother she shook his hand and thank the rest of the justice league team. "We're sorry about your home ma'am" Cyborg said

"Oh it's alright I guess this is what happens when you have a super hero family" my mom said and laughed it off. Everyone was shocked except for me Danny and Julie about the justice league being here.

"Is everyone alright?" Aquaman asked

"You all never heard of us before perhaps?" Wonder Woman asked while putting her sword back up. "U-umm" was all that the rest of us said.

"Shoot I was gonna tell you all something but I forgot..." Julie said "Is it life threatening?" Bruce asked her "Yeah it's going to be but I don't remember though" she said then out of no where Clockwork appears in front of everyone.

"Clockwork good to see you!" Danny said and he waved Clockwork had a slight smile on his face. "Hello Daniel, hello daughter" Clockwork said to Julie. "Hi dad shouldn't you be watching the time portal thingy?" Julie asked "this is a hologram, and have you told them the message yet?" Clockwork asked with a serious face.

"Oh...I remember now...."

"Yes it's a very tragic.. You will keep them Alive as you said correct?"

"Woah woah what's going on here?" Green lantern asked Clockwork

"(Y/N), Daniel...All of you are in greater danger than you've ever been before... You will have to train and work as hard with your powers... Even the ones who don't have any train to fight.. You all have at lease a month or two before he returns again. We've tried to hold him back but he's to strong. You will have some challenges during these two months but that will only be warm ups until he returns again..." Clockwork said.

"Wait who is coming After us?" Ember asked with worried on her face.

"I..I wish I can tell you but the feature is in all of your hands now... What ever decision you will make will affect the feature and your all faits. I have to go now my daughter will try her hardest to work with you all... Good luck heroes the world fait is in your hands..." Once clockwork said that he disappeared from us.

All eyes were on Julie now. "What now?" Tucker asked her she sighed and pushed up her shades. "As my father said before we're going to have to train.. This was one of challenges that he spoke of. Training will start tomorrow after school and work. You will train with The justice league you all will have a hero to train with. But as for now rest new heroes we have work to do tomorrow." She said while grabbing her staff.

She taps the floor with her staff and the house was back to the way it was before the guys in white came. "Maybe we should stay here" Superman suggested. "If you want to but I have a lot of planning to do I'll be back tomorrow" Julie said and with in a blink of an eye her and her tiger were gone.

Wonder who's gonna mess with my life this time...



Are You Ready? A New Ghost Kid Danny Phantom X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें