Chapter 66 Kiss the girl~

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~Time skip~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Today was pretty weird day but besides the stuff that happen this morning it was pretty normal. Its now night time around eight PM and there was a bank robbery down town. Uncle B of course had to stop it from happing of course Danny got to the but not me. So unfair Uncle B said something about my shoulder and don't want to make it any worse or something. Then he told me to see if my boyfriend is worthy enough or too see how skilled he is in battle to protect me. Doesn't that sound crazy?

Not as crazy talking to myself... Alfred had to help guide them to the robbery down in the cave... So now I'm sitting in my room with a lamp on reading some fan fictions on my phone. The crazier thing about this whole thing is that freaking!? Grayson got to go with them!! He's not even robin anymore isn't he suppose to be doing his own thing or something?! I need to calm down maybe I should go to bed early. Yeah... that should help hopefully...

I turn off my phone and charged it, then I got in bed and turned off the lamp. Hopefully I won't have any crazy dreams...


Here I am in the same damn place where I was before. But this time its not pitch black its just a little blurry great... I don't even know why I keep having these dreams in the first place. I tried to move but I'm chained up again I also tried to move my mouth but its trapped shut. Do I have duck tape on it or something?

I most likely probably do... I look around my surroundings its not like I can see it very well or something... My vision is trying to focus on a picture that I am looking at. In the photo I see a girl who looks like me I think? And there is someone else that I am with but I think their face has been ripped out from the picture.

Ok that's not creepy at all! I take a longer look around and see a blurry white dress with some red liquid on it... The dress is fluffy like a wedding dress or something. Oh god please don't let this be for me... I don't like dresses very much. I hear foot steps coming hopefully its someone who will save me.

I feel like I'm a princess in need of help or something... And I don't even know where the heck I'm at. I heard the door making a creek nose that means someone is coming inside. It was an older man of some sort. My vision kind of focus on him. The only thing I couldn't see was his eyes and part of his face.

He kind of looks like.... Looks like um... My brain is not working I can't remember who I'm trying to think of. Weird but he looks like I knew him for a long time.. "Hey (Y-Y/N)-Chan" He tells me and I tried to talk but only muffles came.

Then I realized the man had blood on his clothing. "You may have forgotten me for some time now... But! Don't worry about that or the red stain on your dress. Once were married you will be around me more like we used to!" He tells me and sits next to me. I tried to scream but only muffles again then I felt tears running down my face.

A look of worry appear on his face. "Your worried abut the stain? Oh its just some juice that you didn't want when I tried to give it to you. But then you threw it at me but I moved and um yeah..." He tells me while looking over towards the dress then he looks at his clothes. I still started to cry I don't know where I am and who he is.

"You still don't remember me do you (Y/N)-Chan?" He asked me I looked up at him and shake my head very quickly. He sighs in sadness. And I think he lied to me about that juice on the dress or whatever. My vision slowly starts to come back. Then he gets an spark of an idea. "Well were both the same age" he tells me and moves a lot closer to my face.

"And maybe this will spark your memory something that I should of done a long time ago before I left you." He say and rip off the duck tape quickly. Then my vision instantly clears up on the mans face. I sorta recognized him but it was too late to think. He kissed me full on the lips. I was in shock and confused.

I kissed back without even realizing it. Thinking with Danny on my mind my boyfriend. Wondering where he is.  I tried to pull away realizing my mistake but he just pulled me back forcing me.

Before the next thing could happen I woke up. You know how you wake up and you sight is all blurry? Yeah that's how it is right now for me. I saw someone in front of me I scream and grabbed a needle from under my pillow. Its filled with stuff that will make you go to sleep for a long time. I stabbed the person in front of me with the needle.

Then I heard a loud thud and my vision cleared up. "You were right about her young Daniel" Alfred and Danny were standing in front of my bed. "Yeah tried to tell him" Danny says and looks down. I looked down as well to see who I injected the needle into it was Grayson....

Well I that tells him how I felt when they left me!! "Oops" is all I said. "Good morning too you to" Danny tells me and I rolled my eyes. "Not a good morning? Bad dream young (Y/N). I fixed you breakfast" Alfred said and put the tray of food next to my nightstand. "Thank you Alfred" I told him and he nods with a smile.

"Its my pleasure to help" Alfred says and looks down at Grayson who is twitching. "Well as long he is not dead I'll take him out of here for you" Alfred says while dragging Grayson out of the room. 

"Well that's one way to start off a morning"

IM SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING I've been so busy with projects and I was super tired and stuff ;-; but at lease I'm trying so sorry again see ya later


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