Chapter 12 A broken Danny well not really

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I know I know that's not Danny in the picture but its looks really cool and hey at least he haves black hair and blue eyes anyways enough of me Talking ON TO THE CHAPTER CHAPIE 12!!

~Ember's P.O.V~ (Finally :3)

I'd looked around to see what I could do to help (Y/N) then I looked at her. She mouth out a sentence "What do I do?" I just shrugged I've never knew how to break that spell maybe she'll forgive me after all this is over? Heheh aw man I'm so dead after this

~(Y/N) P.O.V~

I can't b-breath Danny Is hugging me t-to tight "D-danny I need a-air" I said before I pass out "Oops s-sorry" he finally let go of me I gasped for air and coughed like crazy Danny looked worried. "I'm fine I'm fine I just came to give you this before school is over" I've gave him the pictures that I took of him but I redrew them I was at home feeling horrible my dad said that I could stay home but I had to give Danny his pictures. "Just for me Thanks!" He hugged me again I looked at Ember she just shrugged she's such a big help. I patted Danny's head and I looked at the time school is almost over I need help maybe Sam and Tuck knows. "Hey Danny maybe you should get to your last class so you won't miss out on homework" Ember facepalms why is she complaining she's the one who got me into this!

"Fine but I'll see you after school right?" He gave me puppy eyes Aw cuuute (≧∇≦) AGH SHUT UP BRAIN I nodded to him and he'd gave a big smile and flew off. Phew I grabbed Ember arm "W-where are we going (Y/N)?" She asked me nervously "We gonna break this spell thingy who was the last time you put it on again?" I looked at her dead in the eyes "Um hmm...Oh I know that other girl that in your group the goth one" Sam wow I wonder how she made it out alive out of this one. "Come on we gotta find her after school" we both turned invisible and went through the school walls.

~Time skip brought to you by that Cheeto guy on the bag~

"Ember you should hide if you don't want crazy fans after ya" she nodes and hides in a tree alright school is over in 3...2...1 the school bell rings and I turned out of my ghost form. A bunch of people runs out of the front doors of Casper High as I'm searching for my small group of friends Dash bumps into me with his shoulder. "Hey watch it- Well isn't little (Y/N) I'm over you now so don't come running back!" He said while smiling I just laughed I'm never serious "What's so funny!?" He gets mad I wipe a tear from my eye still laughing "L-like I'd ever liked y-you aw man phew Now that's some funny stuff right there" everyone goes quiet a little and starts to crowd us "Thanks for the l-laugh Dash best joke I ever herd in my life but if you excuse me now I'll be on my way" I was about to leave until a girl stepped in front of me.

"Who do you think you're talking to" the girl doesn't even look scary not even a threat to anyone. "You if I knew your name duh" she just glares at me "The names Paulina got it!?" "Oh no Paulina is going to hurt me with her scary words excuse me Paulina its been nice talking to you but I gotta get going now i got homework to do so bye" she grabs my shoulder "whatever geek!" She threats me "Paulina I think its for the best for you to NOT to touch me before I snap your neck and you'll only have 10 minutes of air left in your lungs so BACK OFF! BARBIE DOLL" Everyone gets hyped up and start saying OOOOOOH!!! and I left Paulina embarrassed hmph that show her. Then out of no where Danny hugs tackles me in to the bushes ouch. "(Y/N)!! I've missed you so much!!" His grip gets stronger "Danny its only been 30 minutes and I need a-air" he let's go of me and I can finally breath again.

I stand up and brushed myself off and I see Sam and Tucker coming towards me and Danny "(Y/N) That was Awesome what you said to Paulina back there!" Sam said and she gave me a high five "oh you can say it but I can't" Tucker mumbles and crossed his arms. "Thanks Sam but can I talk to you for a sec" me and Sam walked away a little far so Danny won't hear us

~Time skip to where Sam tells you- I mean (Y/N) what to do~

"You want me to do what!?" I whispered/yelled "Break his heart by kissing someone else I kissed Dash" we both shivered "Gross I'm not kissing him" I started to think "well you gotta kiss someone" then I got it "I can kiss his double" I'm so smartish "wait his double is back again?" Guess Danny never told Sam "Yeah weird having two Danny's" "You don't know the half of it (Y/N)" Sam told me while shaking her head how am I'm gonna get his double over here oh right Ember duh "Psst Ember you there?" I call her out "Yeah I'm here" she floats towards us and Sam gets in a fighting position. "She's with me calm down" Sam calms down a little "Ember go to Danny's house and bring me his double I've got a game plan."

~Time skip brought to you by me being a lazy person ~

So I explained everything to Sam and Danny's double. "Everyone ready? I think Danny is looking for me now" Sam nodes and Danny's double um he's a little bit to ready for this plan. "Ready when ever you are beautiful" he smirks at me and I blush "Really (Y/N) I thought you were better than this unless" Sam smiles at me "Nope Nope nope! Go with the plan Sam" she mhm me "(Y/N)? Where are you I haven't see you in 5 minutes and I already miss you" I had Tucker keep Danny busy outside while me and his double are hiding in the Janitor closet. "That's my cue have fun (Y/N)" Sam wiggled her eyebrows and shut the door. "Ready Beautiful?" Danny's double asked me and I nodded he moves closer to me-

~Sam's P.O.V~ (I'm sorry that I'm not sorry XDDD)

I run to find Danny in the school hallway (Y/N) said it will be better to do this after school so it will take Danny a while to find them the school is pretty big. I see Danny and I run up to him and he sees me "Sam where's (Y/N)?" This plan is going good so far "I saw her trapped in the janitor closet she needs your help Danny!" Danny looks worried "I'm coming (Y/N) I'm going ghost!" He turns into his ghost form and fly's to the janitors closet
Hopes this works.

~Danny's P.O.V~

I fly to where Sam tells me where (Y/N) is I can't wait to see her I'm coming (Y/N)! I get to the janitors closet door and I open it. "Have no fear you hero" I couldn't believe my eyes...(Y/N) she was Kissing my double. "(Y/N).." She pulls away from my double and turns into her ghost form and floats into the wall quickly. I looked at my double angrily "you..." He looks at me shocked "Woah dude ever herd of privacy" I grabbed him by his collar "How dare you kiss her!!" I felt kinda different like something lifted off of me like a spell or something I'm still pretty mad though. "Hey man you had your chance and I gave you all the time that you needed" my double smirks at me while shrugging. "That's it!!"

I flew out of the school building to my house and tossed me and my double through the ghost catcher (that's was the name of it right?) And I was back to normal I felt kinda dizzy though.

Man what a long chapter well hope you all enjoyed chapie 12 and I'll see ya in the next one!! Tiger out!!~

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