Chapter 71

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~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

~Time Skip after school~

"First day back was pretty cool" I said while closing my locker. "As in pretty cool as in awesome?" Danny said while waiting for me. "Hm you can say that as well" I said

"Danny!! (Y/N)!! your back!!!" We both turned around and I got an impact with a death hug. "J-Jazz h-how y-ya been?..." I chocked out how is she so strong.

"Sis your killing my girlfriend"

"Well excuse me its not my fault someone has been missing for more than three weeks"

"Your right Jazz its Vlad's fault"

I feel my soul being crushed on the inside and the outside. The two started to argue you know brother and sister.

Jazz finally let's me go while she was still arguing with Danny. I gasp for air Sam and Tucker walk over to us.

Sam pointed at Danny and Jazz asking what's wrong with them? I just shrugged.

"Sup losers!" Someone shouted all of us turned. It was Ember who called us. "Ember! What are you doing here?" Danny asked. "Oh calm down dipstick Julie needed to tell you all something important with time in danger and some other stuff."

Ember said "Wait who's that?" Tucker and Sam said at the same time. Ember pointed at her. She was kicking the vending machine. (Don't you hate it when your chips get stuck in there?)

Then she punched it, then a bunch of snacks came out. "Wait Ember you know Julie?" I asked and Ember nodded "Oh yeah I know everyone Aye Julie!! Hurry up!!" Ember yells

Julie flies over to us with Chips in her hand. She looks at Jazz, Sam and Tuck first. "Hello mortals" (idk why I love saying that XD) "AH GHOST" Jazz shouts and she takes out her thermos. Me Danny and Ember yelled "NO WAIT" but it was no point. When Jazz used it on her it was like nothing happen.

I mean only her hair moved towards it but that's pretty much it. "Are you done Jazmine? I mean you can come with us I don't mind never had a mortal come with me on a trip like this" Jazz backed away from her.

"H-how did you know-"

"Your name? Yeah I get that a lot but I know a lot of stuff I guess. Your are Jazmine Fenton your brother is Danny, the other mortals are his two bestfriends Sam Manson and Tucker Foley" She said while eating a chip. "I guess this is one spooky ghost" Tucker said "Wait who exactly are you?" Sam asked

"I'm the daughter of time Clockwork ghost zone dude yeah that's my dad"

"You know all of our futures? Cool!"

"Don't you miss being a mortal?" Ember asked her and she nodded. "I use to have skin on my other arm now its a skeleton arm, its pretty cool though" Julie said while looking at her boney arm. "Wait what happen to your arm?" I asked a question this time.

"Oh my mom"

"Your moooom??"

"My mom is death, ever heard of the saying never look death in the eyes?"

"Oooooh that's why you have shades on all the time" Danny said and she nods "Ok hurry up and tell them the thing so we can leave all this talk is boring" Ember said

"Oh right, Danny (Y/N) you have to come back with me!"

"Back? Back where?"

"The past! We have to go back to the past (Y/N)!"

(Comment if you get this reference its from a old movie)

"There happy now Ember?" She said and Ember nods her head. "Ok which do you like better ancient Rome or ancient Greek?" Julie asked us.

"Greek sounds pretty cool" Sam said "But Rome is in Italy" Jazz said. "Italy has some great food" Tucker said while rubbing his stomach. "All you think about is food!" Jazz and Sam shouted.

"What do you think babe?" Danny asked me I shrugged both sound pretty great. "Fine I'll put it like this for you guys, Camp half-blood or Camp Jupiter?" Julie said and we all gasp. "You monster..." Jazz said

"Greek it is then. BUBBLES HURRY UP!!" She yelled down the hallway then her tiger came along slow walking. Then she opens up a portal.

"Ondelay Ondelay!! Come on were running late amigos!" She said and pushed her tiger into the portal, then Ember went in next. Me and Danny look back at our friends. They had the look of unsure and no trust.

"Come on guys its for the sake of time. Right Julie?" I said and looked over to her. "Yeah time portal thing. Look guys I know what you all are thinking Stranger Danger! Yeah who would trust a random dead girl who has a tiger and that can open portals to your future or the past to tell you something really cool-"

"Me first!" Tucker said and pushed everyone out of the way. "Ladies first Tucker!" Sam said and they both went into the portal. Jazz sighed "I'm only going for my little brother and his girlfriend" Jazz said heh little... "Yeah whatever floats ya boat come on I can't hold this open forever" She said and the rest of us hurried into the portal.

"Holy gods of Olympus..."

"I welcome you all to Greece! And one of the Arenas where you will meet-"

"HERCULES!!" And the crowd of Greek's goes WILD!!

Holy blue ocean of the horse god himself dude were here!! (lol I love who ever gets this joke)

"Wait the Hercules is here!?" Sam asked "Yup or I'll be damned if I'm lying to you or we're not standing behind a bunch of caged lions" Julie said and laughed some of us laughed as well until the lions roared loudly and shook the cage.

We all jumped "Guess you weren't lying..." Danny said "So where is this Hercules anyway?" Tucker asked "Over there fighting the Hydra" Julie said and pointed towards the where he was. "What's a Hydra?" Danny asked us

"Serpentine water monster" Julie said first

"Percy Jackson Sea Of Monster's Book Two" Sam said second

"Greek mythology Lake of Lerna location in the Argolid lair of the Serpentine water monster" I said and finished off. "Fish out of water" Tucker and Danny said at the same time. "So wait why are we here again?" Ember asked "And why did our clothes change?" She added on.

Woah I didn't notice that about our clothes. "Well number one to try not to die while were here" Julie said "Why would you say that?" Jazzed asked "TAIL" I shouted and the Hydra's tail swung at us quickly.

Have you ever played helicopter before? You know when you spin the jump rope in a circle to hit someone ankles really hard? Yeah that game was kinda like this right now. Just with a huge scaly tail... Most of us landed on our feet you know the non alive ones. Yeah Jazz landed pretty ok, Sam must join the Olympics, And Tucker...was being Tucker. BUT HEY at lease he tried.

"And Number two while were at it some people have to test out their new power on a Sea monster"

"Can we reschedule that I have an meeting in about five to ten minutes" Danny asked and we all sighed and ugh. "Guys guys if he has a meeting he has an meeting, no big deal calm down" Julie said. "Thank you at lease someone understands around here. So where's the portal?" Danny asked her. "And where is bubbles?" I asked her.

"He'll show up soon, and the portal is over there" 

"Where I don't see it.."

"Here right in front of you" She said and the portal was behind him. "Hurry up before you're late!" She said and pushed him in then the portal shut. "You didn't take him back to our time line did you?" Ember asked Julie.

"Nope he will be placed right next to Hercules"

"Nice" Ember said. Welp I better get myself together

I'm gonna fight a Hydra

Sorry for the wait on the updates I had to do final exams and stuff..

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