"Come on, I'm gonna go tell the others!" Kelso said, running off.

Hyde and Lucy looked at one another before walking off, his arm around her waist.

"Hey Steven guess what?" Lucy asked, mockingly.

Hyde laughed, shaking his head, "What?"

"We've made out in two countries!" Lucy smirked.

Hyde just rolled his eyes, pulling her closer to kiss the top of her head.

They met up with the others just as Kelso revealed that he whizzed in two countries, the others equally as unimpressed.

"Alright, let's get going," Hyde said, shutting the trunk to the Cruiser.

Eric nodded, "We were just waiting on you guys, where'd you run off to?"

Lucy shrugged as she adjusted her skirt, "Scenery and stuff."

"Huh," Eric said, suspicious again.

Hyde nodded, "But were almost at the border, so everyone's got their id's right?"

"Hmm," Eric said, still studying his twin, feeling as if she wasn't telling him everything.

Everyone quickly checked their pockets and Lucy peeked in her purse in the backseat, everyone nodding.

Except for Fez, "Oh no! I think I lost my Green Card!"

"Damn! Fez, where's the last place you had it?" Eric asked.

"If I knew that, I would have it now, you son of a bitch!" Fez exclaimed.

"Hey, Fez, take it easy," Kelso said calmly.

Fez yelled, spinning around, "No, you take it easy! They're going to throw me in Canadian jail! Have you seen Midnight Express? It's like that but with hockey sticks!"

"Great, now we're screwed!" Hyde sighed.

"Oh boys, what do you think I'm here for?" Lucy asked.

After some difficulty and flexibility on Fez's end, Hyde replaced the last pack of beer, blocking in Fez who was now covered with a blanket.

"What if I can't breathe?" Fez asked worriedly.

Leo tried to reassure him, "Just take a deep breath, man, and visualize yourself breathing."

"Leo, man, that only works with goals and aspirations," Lucy reminded him.

"Then tell him to aspire to breath!" Leo shrugged.

Hyde shut the trunk once more, "Alright, when we get to the checkpoint, everyone just act cool. And by everyone, I mean Mr. Crap Shoes!"

"It was on fire!" Kelso said the third time that day.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, "Does that make it a literal burn?"

"Hey! Do not use those against me!" Kelso said offended.

In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde Where stories live. Discover now