RR42 Within These Walls

Start from the beginning

Bobbi looked thoughtful and Darcy couldn't help but to ask why he was following her.

"I don't know, but when I left I thought he was following me again, which is when you jumped out at me and I almost killed you Darce."

Darcy rubber her chest where the knife had nicked her. "Yeah, I already said it wasn't my smartest idea. You were so on edge that night."

"You know," Bobbi began, "I heard something in the woods the other night when HYDRA got to you but no one ever attacked or showed themselves. Do you think it could have been him?"

"Oh I have no doubt," Natasha confirmed. "Which is when my day got weird. On the way back today, I came across the dead HYDRA agents and the area was being swarmed by new agents to bag and tag. They were collecting the bodies but they were all kind of freaked out. That's when I noticed this." She twirled the feather in her fingers studying it again. Darcy reached over and took it, inspecting it herself. There was nothing special about it, just a plain white feather.

"A bird feather?" she asked confused.

"There was one stuck in every dead agent's hand, it's a dove feather. It led the agents to think 'the ghost' had killed them all, I guess it's his trademark. He took the blame for the assault."

The other two women looked at her dumbstruck. Bobbi then reached out to Darcy and she gave her the feather.

"Apparently, his name is Dove. Well, some agents were making their way over to where I was hiding and were almost on top of me, I had nowhere to hide. A rock then flies past my head and into the woods. It distracted the agents so I got out of there while I could. Well I look to the left as I was high tailing it out of there and wouldn't you know, ghost boy was there. He smiled at me and winked before he disappeared as well. He threw that rock so the agents wouldn't see me."

"So he's a friendly?" Darcy asked a little confused. All of this was a little hard to take in.

"I still don't know Darce. Before I made it back to the room he had left another feather in front of an alley, like he wanted me to meet him. Well I went in there and he's just leaning against the wall. We talk and he says that he's on our side and that he wants HYDRA to 'pay for what they did."

Bobbi handed the feather back to Natasha who then put it back in her pocket. "He handed me that feather and then sort of left. He felt so familiar but I just can't place it."

"Do you think you've met him before?" Bobbi asked as she tried to get more comfortable.

"I know I've never met him before, I don't know, it's all just too weird. If you guys ever come across him, be careful. Something makes me want to trust him but he used to be HYDRA. It could be a trap."

"I don't know about you guys, but 'Dove' sounds pretty hot and mysterious to me. I want to meet him." Natasha rolled her eyes at Darcy's comment but she knew she was joking, kind of.

"Do you think he has something to do with why you are here?" Bobbi had to ask, even though she knew that whole topic was a sore subject.

"I don't think so," she said, "no one in the world, or worlds, knows except for me, Darcy, Thor, who is in Asgard at the moment, and Loki who I don't think would ever tell." She said the last part while looking to Darcy.

"He wouldn't," the young girl said with as much confidence as she could muster. "At least I don't think he would. I mean, he did sort of try to kill you, and you kicked him off a roof. A very tall roof."

Bobbi rolled her eyes at Darcy. "Well to me it seems like an evil god that was hell bent on destroying the world a few years ago would blab to someone."

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