:Chapter 11:

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Orchid was next to me with a laptop in front of her looking at the internet for prom dresses. Ugh prom. Orchid had lots of things preplanned. Andrew had a limo all ordered for her. Apparently all of things had been planned without me knowing.

Angel was going to prom for crying out loud. 'If you don't go to prom it'll be sad. The rogue girl did but you didn't.' 'I know.' Prom was a masquerade theme. "Look I found Satan's masquerade mask." Orchid said pushing her laptop towards me. A black masquerade mask with horns was on view.

Both Orchid and I laughed. 'It isn't funny.' 'But it is Satan.' Satan rolled his eyes at me before grumbling about already having horns. "What colors are you doing?" I asked Orchid. "Gold. I was gonna do blue but I found this masquerade mask I love and blue doesn't match." Orchid said with a shrug.

I nodded. Everyone was worrying about prom by now and talking about it. Here I was with a broken wrist. There was a meow as a fluffy cat jumped up onto Orchid's couch. I was at Orchid's and she had three cats all of them familiars.

I believe this cat was her first ever familiar and she refused to part with him. "What's the matter Price?" Orchid asked putting her laptop down and scooping up the fluff ball of a cat. Price had always been there. I remember first going here and he was sitting outside with Yin and Yang.

He didn't really change his form but he did aide in magik for Orchid. 'A cat at its best form.' Familiars are sometimes seen as demons. Not even Satan knows if their demons. Yin and Yang changed into panthers to protect Orchid.

Most people said witches owned black cats. Orchid didn't. Witches weren't as bad as most people made them out to be. 'Orchid hasn't made any weird sacrifices to me.' People liked to say witches worshipped Satan and were humans committing sins. Witches were a whole different species. You couldn't just cast a spell you had to be born a witch or warlock.

No one knows how witches or warlocks came to be. Orchid set Price next to her before getting her laptop back. Price laid down and just sat there purring up a storm. Yin and Yang were on this cat toy tower battling each other still in regular cat form.

Yin was on the top ready to push Yang to his 'death'. Yin hissed before knocking down Yang who fell and landed then pretended to die. Yin leaped down and Yang got up and the two left. They had always been very strange cats.

'Yes they have not to mention they turn into huge panthers to defend Orchid.' Orchid was still looking at prom dresses. "Any luck yet?" I asked her as Price decided to climb into my lap. Price was very old. Old as Orchid except unlike Orchid he wasn't trapped for a few centuries.

Orchid had a whole past history that she doesn't really talk about. So technically she was old but got frozen in time. That's all she let loose. But I knew she was a direct descendant to one of the most powerful witches. A reason her coven didn't want her and Andrew to be together.

All about the keeping of the bloodline and something like that. But Orchid won in the end with the dropping of the leaving the coven. 'Now Andrew and Orchid can live a magik ever after.' They could. if they desired too.

Orchid drummed her nails on the computer. "And this is why going to a store is much more fun." Orchid said pushing away her ginger curls. "I don't want to go to a store." I complained. "But it will be way more fun. How about this. We got to the store and I buy you your prom dress." Orchid said.

"Who said I was going to prom?" I asked. Orchid's eyes darkened. 'You made the witch mad. You are on your own Isabella. Don't forget Dalton asked you to prom.' Then Satan cut the connection. "You will be going to prom even if I have to drag you there." Orchid said.

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