Chapter 42

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Chapter 42.)

Anna's POV

My birthday was great. I loved hanging out with my friends, and my parents were totally respectful of everything.

The party ended around nine, and Jace helped me clean up everything. My parents and siblings came home around ten. It was a great night.

I decided to stray from bringing up anything about the boarding school, even though it occasionally came back into my thoughts throughout the night.

I walk downstairs, wearing a pair of black leggings with an aqua PINK sweatshirt and aqua flip flops. I enter the kitchen, as my dad is in the kitchen.

"Hi," I greet, opening the fridge. I take out a small cup of blueberry yogurt.

"Good morning, Savannah," My dad says.

I raise an eyebrow, peeling off the plastic cover. I open the silverware drawer for a spoon. "Savannah?" I repeat. "Am I in trouble?" I nervously giggle.

I look at my dad, who sips from his cup of black coffee. He sets it down. "Well, no. But I would like to chat with you before you take off for school," He explains.

I spoon yogurt into my mouth, and pick up the container. I walk over to the table and sit down. "About?"

My dad picks up the letter, and gulps as he holds it in front of him. "For the past couple of months, your mother and I have been looking into higher education for you."

I nod, slowly. Still taking in my yogurt for breakfast.

"Higher education?" I repeat.

He nods. He sighs. "This is an all girls boarding school, Savannah. I really think you should look into attending, because we already sent your GPA and academic reports to the school."

My stomach churns. I suddenly feel my shoulders tighten with stress, the thought of attending a school with uniforms once again. The thought of rules being forced and the unreliable education.

"Dad, you can't be-"

"We love you, Savannah. We want the best for you. We trust you to make good decisions, but we can't trust that you're learning the most you possibly could at the IPAA."

"The IPAA is helping me achieve my dreams, I've had opportunities and I've made more friends. I love the school. I can't go to a boarding school, it's not happening."

"Savannah, I knew you would argue with me about this," He raises his hand. I take one last spoonful of yogurt. "The chances of you being accepted is high, and you have to realize the opportunities they have there! The clubs and courses! You'll be around people who come from a religious background, and there isn't any males there to distract you from education."

My eyes widen. My heart drops. "Are you insisting I go so I don't hang out with anyone of the opposite gender?"

My dad gulps, his jaw clenching. I slowly nod. I stand up and shove my chair in. "In that case, I'm not going. I can focus on my education here, and I'll prove to you and mom that I can go places. I don't need a boarding school, or a private school. I can do this on my own," I spit.

My dad shakes his head, taking his glasses off his face. "Savannah, you must understand we are doing this for you! We can't let you around the triggering and influencing environment you are in."

I tune him out as I throw away the cup and spoon. I ignore him, and walk over to the front door. I grab my bag and hang it over my shoulder, grabbing my keys off the table by the door to the garage.

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