Chapter 13

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Anna's POV.

I sit in my seat for History, nervous to present. Although Jace finished the board, he really has no clue what to say. And neither do I.

I tap my finger nails against the desk, as I lean on my elbows. I stare at the ground as I tap my nails.

Jace smacks my hand. I jump and look at him. He gives me an irritated look. I squint my eyes. "Is there a problem?" I ask.

"Yes, your tapping is annoying," He says. I look at my nails. "I'm nervous and bored. Sorry," I say.

"Do you always tap your nails against things when you're nervous and board?"

"Do you always act like a dick?" I retort. He smirks. I look back at the front of the classroom.

There's very little whispering, but other than it's quiet.

"You're just pissed because you don't get any," He says. My eyes widen. I jerk my elbow and hit him in the side. He grabs his side and holds it. "Ow! God Anna!" He screams. Everyone looks at us. I giggle. "You think that's funny?" Jace asks, gently rubbing his side.

"Yes, I do," I say. "You're a sick human being, Anna," He says. I smile. "Thanks. You're just as sick as I am," I say. He rolls his eyes.

The teacher stands up. "Who would like to go first?" Mrs. Tanner asks.

No one answers.

"Okay. We'll do it this way. I'll choose," She says. Jace cracks his knuckles. I sigh. Mrs. Tanner looks around. Her eyes scan the classroom. She stops at us.

"Anna and Jace?"

My eyes widen. "Um, sure," I say. Jace looks at me. I look at him. I slowly stand up from my seat. Jace shrugs and stands up.


Jace's POV.

I sit up on the rooftop of the school, smoking a cigarette.

I'm mad at myself for treating Anna so badly last night. It wasn't that bad, but it still hurt her. I'm not very good at saying sorry. Or showing appreciation.  I can't believe Anna actually stole money from her dad, just to bail me out.

She really does love me.

My phone vibrates. I glance over as I flick the ash off the end of cigarette. I read the text from Peyton.

Peyton: we gotta meet up. come over to my place after school.

Jace: ok.

I hear footsteps as I look up. Anna struts over, holding two sandwiches in her hand.

"Why do you have two?" I ask.

She giggles and sits down in front of me. She tosses the second sandwich to me. "It's for you. I felt like being nice," She says. I smile. I pick up the sandwich. I gently unwrap it.

"So how'd you think the presentation went?" She asks.

"Pretty good, actually," I say. She nods. She looks down at her shoes. "I was worried it wouldn't get done," She says. I nod. "Same."

She sighs. "Do you wanna come over after school? My parents won't be home." She asks. I crack a smile. "I gotta do some stuff after school," I say. She pouts. I smile.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

Anna looks up at me. She lets out a sigh. "You know, the night at the warehouse?"

I nod.

"You don't have to tell me, but I'm just curious. Who was that guy you were with? At the end?"

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