Chapter 1

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Anna's POV.

I look at myself in the mirror. I wear a black skater dress with spaghetti straps. I put on a green jacket, and straighten out the dress. I crack a slight smile as I smoothen the jacket.

I turn around with a smile, and jerk my head up as I see my father standing in the doorway, with his arms crossed.

"Don't you think that's a little too revealing for school?" He asks.

I lick my lips. I shake my head. "No. it's just a dress, dad. I'm wearing a jacket to cover up. It's fine," I shake my head.

He nods. "It's fine to you. But not to me," He says. I shrug and roll my eyes. "Cut the attitude, Savannah Rae!" He snaps. He turns around and walks away.

I tilt my head back. I look back at the clock next to my bed. 7:30.

I pick up my bag and hang it over my shoulder. I pick up my phone and slide it into the pocket of my jacket. I turn off my bedroom light and walk down the hall. My older sister Maddy stands by the front door. She leans against the wall, looking at her phone. She swipes left. She looks up. "Ready?"

I nod.

We walk outside and go to her car. We get in. I lay my bag on my lap. "I wish it wasn't Monday," I lean my head back against the seat.

"I know. But you gotta go. Too bad you can't stay home today. It's my last day before I gotta go back to school," She says. I nod.

Maddy is eighteen. She's a freshman at Stanford. She's extremely smart.

Maddy drives to my school. She used to go the same one, until she graduated. Leaving me alone in a school I'd rather not be in. I mean, I have my friend Kathleen. But honestly, she's just what my parents want as a daughter. Someone who goes by rules and is afraid to get in trouble. I'm like that, but I really wish I wasn't. But hey, that's what growing up in a Christian household does to you.

Maddy parks the car in front of my school. It's a Christian school. I open the door and step out. "Bye!" I say. Maddy smiles and waves.

I turn around and face the school. I start walking in. I walk past the groups of people in front of their lockers. I walk to where Kathleen and I usually meet before first class. The typical hangout for everyone that goes to this school. The pit.

The pit is where everyone sits between classes and lunches. It's kinda fun. Some of the thespians have improv skits. It's really cool. I'm one of the thespians.

I sit down and cross my legs. I set my bag next to me. I look up and look around for Kathleen. All of a sudden, there's a large crowd of people in the hall. Everyone sitting in the pit stands up and runs over. I sit, watching everyone freak out and talk to each other.

Kathleen pops out from the crowd of people. She waves and speed walks over. She sits next to me. "What's with everyone?" I ask, pointing to the crowd.

Kathleen turns around, then turns back and leans in. "Danger's coming," She whispers.

I raise an eyebrow.


"Danger," She clarifies. "How have you not heard of him?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Danger? He goes by danger?"

"There's a few reasons the city calls him danger. One: HE'S DANGER. No one goes near him. Unless they're ready to get killed. I just don't understand why he would come here for education. Does he even care?"

"Killed? Kathleen, what are you talking about?" I shake my head.

She leans forward. "He has a history with the police. He also has almost killed people. He's apart of gangs, Anna. He isn't a good guy," She whispers. I squint my eyes.

Danger // J.NWhere stories live. Discover now