Chapter 24

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Anna's POV.

I sit in Brittaney's car. We're going to a bake shop for lunch. I'm starving, so it's good it's finally lunch time.

I haven't talked to Jace a day, or told him about last night. I'm sure word got around, he knows a bit of what happened.

"So, besides the fight, how'd you like the party?"

I smile. "It was cool. I smoked my first blunt, Jace would be proud," I laugh. She laughs. "Did you even get a high?"

"I don't know," I laugh.

I liked smoking. It felt fun. I felt good about myself. I felt free. I'd do it again if I could.

Brittaney parks her car in a parking spot. I let out a breath. I unbuckle the seat belt and get out. We walk inside the shop.

I stand in front of the counter, holding my wallet. I look up at the board. Brittaney takes her order. I eventually figure out what I want. I get a couple chocolate chip muffins. The person hands me the muffins. Brittaney waits for her order.

I open the door and walk out. I walk down the sidewalk. I pass by an alleyway. I breathe in the sour smell of marijuana. I stop and turn around. I look in the alleyway. I see a guy leaning against the wall, smoking a blunt.

My eyes widen. I lick my lips. I walk closer. "Um, excuse me?"

The guy looks up. He looks at me. I bite my lip. "Yes?"

"Are you selling that?" I point to his lit blunt. He nods. "Yeah, how much you want?" He asks.

I bite my lip. "How much for $15?" I ask. His eyes widen. He pulls out a plastic bag, with a ton of weed. He hands it to me. I look at it, and hand him the ten and five. He nods. "Thanks," He says. I nod. I turn around and look at the bag. I quickly put it in my bag.


After school, I sit on the steps outside my school. I wait for Jace to come pick me up.

I can't believe I bought weed. I actually spent all my lunch money, on drugs. Three weeks ago, I wouldn't of ever thought of myself doing this. But shits happened, and I'm just riding along with it.

That's best I can put it for now.

I see Jace's black Range Rover pulling up along side the curb. I smile and stand up. I grab my back and hang it over my shoulder. I walk over to his car and open the door. I throw my bag in and climb in.

"Hey babe," I say. I lean in for him to kiss me. He looks at me. His eyes widen. "What the fuck happened to your eye?"

Wow, hello to you too.

"I got in a fight," I say. Jace raises his eyebrow. He smirks. "I'm serious!"

"Savannah Rae McCallister got in a fight. Funny," He says chuckling. I roll my eyes.

"I went to a party last night with Brittaney. Some guy was flirting with me and actually made moves, his girlfriend caught him and took it out on me. She wouldn't even let me explain myself."

Jace cocks his head to me. "What?"


"Trust me, Jace, I tried to stop him. He wouldn't budge! He's like Johnson!"

"Who was it? Do you know?"

I gulp. I take a deep breath.

"Peyton was there. He told me he's apart of Johnson's gang. His name was Ian," I say.

He shakes his and bites his lip. He lets out a sigh. "Stay the fuck away from his group."

"I will! It'd be helpful if I knew who everyone was! Who's in his group?"

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