Chapter 11

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Anna's POV.

I wake up in my bed. I roll over and look at the clock. It's almost 8:30. I rub my eyes and push myself up.

I grab my phone and look at whatever texts I got. Which isn't anything, really.

I barely have any friends.

I crawl out from under the blankets. I stand up and stretch.

I can't believe last night happened. It was crazy. I lost my virginity. I broke rules.

I'm loving every single second of it.

I open the door and walk down the hall. I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen. I open the cabinet and take a glass out. I take out the gallon of milk. I pour myself a glass of milk.

I lean against the counter, drinking my glass of milk.

The phone rings. I turn around and reach over the counter. I grab the phone and hit the answer button.


"Hey Anna! It's mom."

"Hi," I say.

"How'd last night go?"

Fucking amazing, mom. I had sex for the first time and I've never loved any other moment more than that.

"It was good," I say.

"Oh yeah? How's Andrew?"

"He's good. He's still sleeping," I say.

"That's okay. Well, Addy should be home around ten. I'll call back later."




I hang up. I set the phone down. I sigh. I walk over and open the freezer. I take out the frozen waffles. I take out a couple from the box. I put them in the toaster. I grab a plate from the cabinet. I set it on the counter. I take out a fork.

My phone starts vibrating. I look over. I don't recognize the number. I give a confused look, and answer it. I hold it up to my ear.

"H-Hello?" I stutter.

"Hey baby girl," Jace says.

I squint my eyes. "Hi. Who's phone are you calling from?"

"I have some bad news. And I kinda need your help," He says.

I tilt my head. "O-Okay. What's wrong?" I stutter.

"Last night after I got home, I got arrested. A couple weeks ago I robbed a gas station. They caught me."

My jaw drops. My heart drops. "J-J-Jace? Seriously? How? Why?"

"They found Jack's body. They found out that his identity matched with one of the guys in the gas station. They also found my identity because I was there the night of the shooting."

"Why'd you rob a gas station? Are you crazy?"

"Babe, it's what I do. I told you. I live a dangerous and crime-filled life."

My heart drops again. I feel tears in my eyes.

"When are you gonna be out?"

"I need your help with that. I can get bailed out tonight. I just need $1,000."


"My parents can't afford it. They can only afford five-hundred. I know it's a lot to ask, but could you please help me?"

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