Chapter 31

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Anna's POV.

I pull my hair up and tie it in a hair tie. I sniffle as I smoothen lotion out on my arms and legs. I turn around and shut off the light. I run downstairs to the dining room, and grab my phone and water bottle. I turn and run to the door.

I open the front door of the house, and walk out. I close the door. I walk down the steps. I quickly stretch out.

I start running down the sidewalk. I run, feeling the adrenaline inside me.

It feels like I've been running for miles, when it's only been a couple blocks.

I stop against the wood fence of someone's yard, and take a drink from the bottle of water. I take a couple breaths, feeling someone from behind me. I turn around, facing him.

"Miss me?"


Jace's POV.

I roll over and groan. I sniffle, then let out a hoarse cough. My phone starts vibrating, over and over again. I groan and rub my eyes.

I grab it without looking at who it is, and slide to answer it.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spit.

There's a pause. I squint my eyes.


My eyes widen.

It's Anna's mom.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry. I just woke up, I'm not a morning-"

"I don't care. Anna's missing, where is she?"

My jaw drops. "Anna's missing? What? She isn't home?"

"No, Todd and I have looked. Addy and Andrew haven't heard from her this morning. Her phone isn't here either. She isn't answering," She says. "I guess she isn't with you."

"No. Oh my god, um-"

"Do you have any idea where she is?"

It hits me.


Fucking Johnson.

He wasn't kidding.

I feel anger build inside me. My face turns red. I gulp.

"I gotta go." I hang up.

I jump up, grabbing my jeans off the floor and throwing them on. I grab my jacket and slide it on. I open the nightstand drawer, grabbing my pack of cigarettes and lighter. I flip it open and take one out. I stick it between my lips, slipping the closed pack into my jacket pocket.

I start walking out of my room, but I stop. I pivot on my right foot and walk back in. I open the dresser drawer. I take out my gun, and hide it inside my jacket.

I walk downstairs, passing my mom in the kitchen. "Where are you off to this early?"

"Anna's," I say, opening the door. I walk. I slam it shut.

I get in my car and start it, quickly lighting my cigarette. I take out the gun and hide it in the glove box. I take a deep breath and back out.

I speed to Anna's house.

My mind racing with what could've happened.

Johnson could've killed her.

He could've raped her.

He could've taken her out of her house.

She's so unsafe, and it's all my fault. I let her fall in love with me.

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