Chapter 23

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Jace's POV.

I have no idea how I'm going to tell Anna I'm in questioning. It's stuck with me ever since I was arrested that night. I really don't want to tell her, I'm afraid she'll be upset and break up with me.

I can't lose her.

I sit in the backseat of Peyton's car. I guzzle down half a can of coors light. I crinkle up the can and toss it in the bag on the floorboard.

"Jace, are you going in?" Peyton asks.

I sit, while I stare off out the window.

"Jace?" He raises his voice.

"What?" I snap.

"I know you got a lot on your mind, but are you going with us?"

"Yeah, Yeah." I say.

"Why are you going to that performing arts school? We can't have one of our members attending a school like that. It was bad enough when you went to St. Andrews," He says.

"Look, unlike you I actually care about school. I'm interested in this, okay?"

"Excuse me?" He reacts.

I stare at the back of his head. Corey and Sean stay silent.

"Peyton, let Jace do what he wants. The world doesn't revolve around you," He says.

"I didn't say it did! If it did, I'd be rich living in a mansion!"

"Guys, grow the fuck up!" Corey shouts. I roll my eyes. Peyton stops the car at a red light. I grab my black backpack and open the door. Everyone looks at me.

"What are you doing?" Peyton asks.

"Leaving. You can do the job without me," I spit. I stand up and pull my bag out. I slam the door.

I turn around. I walk up the sidewalk.

"Jace! Wait up!" Sean yells. I turn around. Sean runs from the car.


"Why'd you leave?" He asks.

"I'm tired, okay? I don't feel like doing this shit anymore. I don't want to end up behind bars for years because I get convicted of murders I didn't fucking do. I don't need to cause more drama when I have enough on my plate. If Peyton was in my spot, he'd do it anyways because that's how he is. We're different, and no one realizes that," I say.

Sean stares at me. He looks down. "I'm sorry, Jace. I know you have a lot on your mind. I just think-"

"Fuck what you think, okay? I'm tired of peoples opinions on my life and how I should run it!"

"I was gonna say do what you feel is best! I'm trying to support you!" Sean yells. I take a deep breath. I close my eyes. I lick my lips.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of cut you off. I'm just angry. I'm scared, angry, hurt. Grieving," I say.

Sean walks closer to me. He hugs me. "I know."

I feel tears in my eyes.


Actual, water, in my eyes.

"I have to break it to Anna that I could possibly end up in prison. You know, it doesn't matter if I don't get convicted for murder. I still have reasons to be arrested. And from that night alone, I could be arrested again for possession of marijuana and a gun without a permit," I say.

Sean nods. I squint my eyes. "I can't keep doing this. Running around and being careless. It's fun when it begins, but now, realities hitting me. I need to grow up," I say.

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