Chapter 3

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Anna's POV.

Danger sits next to me in history. The teacher hands out worksheets for our project. I take the worksheet and look at it.

"Will we be doing our project on our own?" Someone from the back of the room asks.

"Good question. No. You will be doing this with your table partner. You have two weeks to get this done. I suggest you become good friends with your partner. You'll be needing to see them a lot," Mrs. Tanner smiles.

My eyes widen. I look at Danger. He looks at me with his arms crossed, his feet kicked up on the table. I feel a pit in my stomach. As if I'm afraid of him.

"You may get started on finding a topic," Mrs. Tanner says.

I take a deep breath. "Um, so, are you good at history?" I ask.

Danger nods. "You're in luck. This is the only subject I've ever been interested in," He says, putting his legs down and leaning up. "So we have to find a topic about something from the 1900's?"

I nod. "What's your favorite decade?" I ask. He gives me a serious look. Then grins.

"The 30's," He says.

My eyes widen and my heart throbs. "Me too!" I shout. His eyes widen. He leans back. I cover my mouth.

"You got a little too excited over that," He says. I giggle. "Sorry," I say. He rolls his eyes. I look down.

My heart throbs every time I see him. It's as if I'm falling for him. But I can't. He's the complete opposite from me. My parents wouldn't approve. I'm sure he wouldn't either. Why would he like me? I'm a goody-goody. I sigh.

"Can we do gangsters? They're cool," He says. I look up. I lick my lips. "Yeah. That's fine," I say. He nods. "Bonnie and Clyde?" I ask.

He nods. "You know them?"

I nod. He smiles.

"Didn't think an innocent girl like you would know about two of histories biggest gangsters," He says.

"My dads a history nerd. I overhear his TV shows," I say. He nods. "My dads just a metal head," He says. I squint my eyes.

"Y-You listen to metal?" I stutter. I'm nervous to talk to him. To even have a conversation. I'm worried he'll just snap and dislike me.

"Fuck yeah! Metal is great. So is rap," He says.

There he goes cussing again.

"You know you're not supposed to cuss?"

He rolls his eyes. "Damn, I was starting to like you. You should know by now that I don't follow rules. Last I checked there's freedom of speech. What are you gonna do? Wash my mouth out with soap?"

I crack a smile. He's actually pretty funny.

"What's so funny? I'm serious," He says. I try to stop smiling. His attitude is somehow attractive. Just this whole bad-boy vibe is attractive to me. I've met other bad-boys, but they just don't seem attractive or appealing. Danger has a way of speech and appearance that just brings me in.

I look down. The bell rings. Danger stands up. I stand up and hang my bag over my shoulder. Danger is the first out of the classroom. I quickly go after him.

"Danger!" I shout. He stops in a dead stop. He turns around. My eyes widen.

Did I just say that out loud?

He looks at me. "What did you just call me?"

I lick my lips as he walks up to me. He's at least five inches taller than me. I look up at him.

Danger // J.NWhere stories live. Discover now