Chapter 37

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Anna's POV.

Friday night was awful. I hated it. Jace left Saturday morning, and didn't seem to remember any of the night before. But I know he must've got the message that I didn't want anything to do with him.

I roll over in bed, after taking a nap after school. I look at my phone. Jace texted me.

Jace: I'm really sorry.

Anna: I know

Jace: then why aren't you talking to me?

Anna: you of all people know I'm sensitive. it hurt me a lot when you compared me to Alexia. I thought I was better for you than she was. Idk what's worse honestly. the fact that I still love you or being compared to lowlife shit who used you and basically ruined you.

Jace: Anna I'm so sorry, please forgive me and move on.

Anna: I'll move on. I guess I can forgive you too.

Jace: wym?

Anna: I'm moving on. I don't need you in my life much less want you. I got my baby, and me. That all I need

Jace: you're really breaking up with me?

Anna: I guess.

Jace: you're a joke

Anna: no babe, you're a joke. you played me. you used me. I fell in love with you and I'm not sure why.

Jace: bitch I saved your life!

Anna: I'm a bitch now? yeah bye. don't come near me again. go ahead and fuck Alexia, Brooke, Taylor. can't even keep up with all the girls you've used for entertainment.

Jace: that's low. if you're gonna be that way I'll gladly move the fuck on.

Anna: good. get out of my life.

Jace: this is hilarious.

I bite my lip. I shake my head as I feel my heart break. I feel tears in my eyes. I take a deep breath. I feel my stomach cramp up.

I don't want to lose him like that.

I start to rethink what I said. How cruel I was. How amazing he was at one point. Now, I think his true colors are showing.

The side that Kathleen and most everyone warned me about.

I pull the blanket off me to get up. My eyes widen.

Blood is stained all over my sheets and sweatpants. My jaw drops.

"No, no, no," I say softly. I sit up and get out of the bed. I cover my mouth. I turn around and run out of my room. I run to the bathroom and close the door. I open the drawer with the cotton balls, q-tips and other things. I go to the back of the drawer where I hid the second pregnancy test. I open the box and take out the test.

I flip my hair to my right shoulder. I shake my wrists, getting nerves out. I take the test.

I must've miscarried. Or maybe I wasn't pregnant at all.

But I know for a fact I was. It said positive.

I finish the test, and look at the result.


My heart shatters.

I bite my lip.

"Anna! Savannah Rae! What the heck happened?" My mom yells.

I panic and wrap the test in toilet paper, throwing it in the garbage. I cover it with more toilet paper. I rip the box in pieces, and hide it in the trash.

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