Chapter 39

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Anna's POV.

I'm stuck.

I'm stuck in a city I've never been in before.

I'm unaware of everything around me.

I'm afraid.

It's all my fault.

I thought Matt lived closer to LA. I was wrong.

I was wrong on so many levels.

It's now 9pm, and my parents are probably worried sick.

I came to Matt's house with his friends. He shares it with his two friends Xavier and Cole. Little did I know this was a poverty stricken community, and druggies are everywhere.

I lay on the cold hardwood floor of Matt's house, with a cigarette between my index and middle finger. The noise of the music played is mumbled in my head. I can't hear it, just faintly. My thoughts rush around inside my head.

I stare at the yellowed ceiling of his living room. I gently raise my arm to stick the cigarette between my lips. I inhale slowly, then exhale.

I turn my head to the right and see two girls on the couch, passing a blunt back and forth.

I try to sit up, but I'm not strong enough. Matt walks over to me, stumbling around. "Anna? Need help?"

I nod and reach out my hand. He grabs it, and then drops it. "Sorry, I can't pull you up," He says.

I groan, grabbing my bottle of whiskey next to me and shoving it between my lips. I swallow the cold liquor down my throat. I finally push myself up. I look around and see the girls from next door on the couch, Matt is on the floor next to me, and his two friends are in the kitchen, shooting up some heroin.

I push the cigarette butt into the ashtray. Matt crawls over to me. He sits up. I look at him and see his eyes slowly closing. His skin is pure white. He wraps his arms around me. He kisses my cheek. I hold his arms.

My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, but I ignore it. It's the fifth time in the past half hour.


Matt kisses my lips, but slowly moves down to my neck. "No, Matt, no," I say softly.

He doesn't stop.

"No!" I yell, shoving him over. His drunken self rolls over and hits his head on the coffee table.

I panic, afraid of what's to come. The girls gasp, but laugh right away. I stand up, feeling dizzy. I grab my bottle of whiskey. Matt rolls over. "Anna? What did you do that for?" He slurs.

"I said no," I say.

Matt groans. One of the girls walks over to the kitchen, and seems as if she's trying to take the needle from Cole. "Give me some!" She shouts.

I lay back down on the floor, feeling as if my body is being eaten away piece by piece.

The loud noises of the music and the fighting between the girl and Cole arise. Matt crawls next to me with his head bloody. He puts his hand on my stomach, and gently rubs it.

"Stop, Please!" I beg. "I don't want you touching me," I say, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Matt makes another groan, and sounds exactly like a zombie. He takes a deep breath and hacks out a bloody cough, blood being spit all over the floor. My eyes widen.

The loud crash of beer bottles being thrown around and broken distracts me from Matt's deadly coughing. I look up at the kitchen and see Cole throwing a broken beer bottle at the wall. My heart races with panic.

Danger // J.NOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant