Chapter 28

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Jace's POV.

It's been a week since I went to jail. Today is my final court date. The day I find out if I'm able to live my life, or if I'm killed at the age of sixteen.

I've missed Anna a ton. I desperately want to see her. I actually miss my family, too. I just miss life.

I've spoken to Anna on the phone a couple times throughout the week. She seems miserable. I'm sure I do too.

I sit on the bench in the court room, waiting for the hearing to start. The judge walks in.

"Okay, we have the last hearing about case number 798282. State of California vs. Jace Norman. Mr. Norman you plead not guilty for the deaths of Jack Griffo and Mark Montgomery correct?"


"And the jury used the evidence they were given to put together their opinion. Which is?"

I look over, and a guy stands up. "We the jury, find Jace Norman not guilty for case number 798282."


I just came home from jail. It was pretty bad. Traumatizing. Especially for the fact that I've never been in there longer than two nights. A week is just too long,

I walk upstairs to my bedroom. Anna doesn't know I'm released. I plan to surprise her.

I open my bedroom door. I look at my room, and see everything is picked up and clean. I squint my eyes and walk around.

"Mom!" I yell. I look around. The bed is nicely made, and the trash was picked up. My laundry is in the laundry hamper. I find a piece of paper placed on my bed, gently tucked under the pillow.

"What?" My mom asks, standing in the door way. I look at her. "Why'd you clean my room?" I ask.

Her eyes widen. "I haven't been in your room all week?" She says. I squint my eyes. I look at the paper. It's a letter. My mom walks away.


I'm awkwardly sitting in your room right now. I was talking with your mom until she got too emotional and had to step out. I decided to clean your room for you. You know I'm a clean freak, I'm surprised I didn't have a heart attack and die from this. I found some paper and a pen and thought "why not?" Although, it may be a while until you see this.

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