Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hoseok walked into the back of the bakery bringing some new bags of shipment to the stalk room. The bakery was very busy today, lot's of people came in for the once a year deal. It was valentines day and if you bought 12 cupcakes then you got 5 more for free. The cakes were buy 1 get 1 free. The workers in the back were busting their ass's too get everything done. Hoseok was done for the day. Every body had a boyfriend or girlfriend and he was lonely. Seokjin was working in the front with the tons of people coming in and out.

"When does my shift end?" Hoseok asked closing his eyes and sighing. Seokjin shrugged. He passed a paper too him and laughed. It had his times on it for the week. Hoseok left in 5 minuted so he just left then. He never really got in trouble because Seokjin owned the place and he is one of his best friends. Hoseok took off his apron and put it in the passenger side of his car. He took a deep breath and just sat there for a while. He looked across the street at the tattoo parlor. Hoseok had a really big crush on one of the employees there. His name was Park Jimin. But he sadly had a boyfriend named Yoongi. Hoseok always got asked to hanf out with them, but he just said no and walked away. Hoseok went across the street and sat next to Jimin. Jimin was smoking and sitting on a bench outside the parlor. Hoseok just looked at him. Jimin smiled and took the cigarette out of his mouth.

"What?" He asked smiling. Hoseok frowned and took the cigartte.

"Your going to get cancer if you don't stop." He said throwing it on the ground. Jimin frowned.

"Those aren't cheap asshole!" Hoseok rolled his eyes walking away, "Get back here." Jimin said grabbing Hoseok's shoulder, "What's your problem?" He asked. Hoseok pulled away and got in his car. Jimin was confused about what just happened. Yoongi came out and hugged Jimin.

"What are you doing?" He asked kissing his cheek. He shrugged getting up. He watched Hoseok leave and was still confused, "Come on, you'll be off in a little bit. So I guess you can just clean or seomthing." Jimin nodded walking in.

Hoseok drove to his house still mad because of Jimin. He hated him. He just kept telling himself that. That he hated Jimin more than anything. But in reality he loved him with all his heart. He was convinced he was in love with this man. But he couldn't love him for so many reasons.

Hoseok got to his small 3rd floor apartment. All his rooms were pastel colored with beautiful painting and shelved with ingredients filling them. He was one of the main workers at the bakery. Hoseok only new how to bake because of his mom. She always baked for holidays and birthdays. Even when Hoseok was upset. Hoseok threw his work unifrom into the washer and started it. He was in his underwear walking around his house. He got in the shower. He stood there letting the water run over his face and chest. He had his eyes closed thinking of all the bad moments in his life. He washed his hair and body and soon got out. Hoseok was walking around his house waiting for his clothes to get done. He only had a towel on around his waist. Hoseok was on his phone standing next to the window. It was mid afternoon so he thought no one was home. Jimin got home about 15 minutes after Hoseok. Their windows were directly across from each others. Hoseok completely forgot about that.

Water was still running down Hoseok's surprisingly toned abs. Jimin and Hoseok's windows were both open with no curtains. Jimin smiled when he looked up from his sketch book. Jimin had been sitting in his chair next to the window, sketching a new tattoo for a lady who always came in.

"Nice." Jimin yelled out his window. Hoseok was confused. He didn't know were the voice was coming from until he looked out the window. He frowned and turned around were he couldn't see his front, "Awe, stop being so shy." Jimin laughed and shook his head. Hoseok frowned and flipped him off., "Cute finger." He laughed.

"I'm going to tell your boyfriend!" Hoseok yelled back. Jimin shook his head. "What's so funny? He'll get mad at you." Hoseok said leaning out the window. Jimin leaned out the window and smiled. "I have to go, leave me alone." Hoseok left the window and went to go get his clothes. Jimin sat back down and started at the sketch again. Hoseok got his pj's on plus a shirt because he didn't want Jimin to see him. Yoongi got home around 5:00 and was watching TV with Jimin. They were watching 'The Fosters' on the flat screen. Jimin was playing with his new piercing on his lip. Yoongi smacked his hand.

"Stop or it'll get infected. And that hurts." Yoongi explained and kissed him. Jimin smiled.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm not used to it." Jimin said, moving his head to look out the window. Hoseok was reading. Jimin looked at him for a while. Yoongi noticed.

"I think we should get a curtain for that window." Yoongi said playing with the hem of his shirt. Jimin was still studying Hoseok's face. "jimin, are you even listening?" He asked pulling on his shirt. Jimn snapped out of it and smield.

"Yeah, a window. Sounds great." Jimin kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly at Yoongi. Yoongi frowned. "What?" Yoongi shook his head.

"I'm going to bed. Night love you." He said giving him a kiss goodnight. Jimin nodded. Hoseok noticed Yoongi and Jimin cuddling so he tried not to even look over and just stay focused on the cook book. Jimin started to get tired. He eventually fell asleep on the couch. Hoseok looked over and sighed. He didn't want Jimni sleeping on the couch so he went to his house. The door wasn't locked. How safe. Hoseok just walked in closing the door easily. He turned off the TV and lights. He shook Jimin a little. Jimin moaned and took Hoseok's hand, thinking it was Yoongi. He pulled him into a hug. Hoseok blushed and pulled away knowing that Yoongi was just a room over. Jimin opened his eyes and gasped.

"Hoseok! Sorry I thought you-" Hoseok cut him off, "Why are you here?" Jimin asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Hoseok looked down not knowing what to say.

"I-I just saw you sleeping on the couch and the lights and TV were on, and Yoongi was in bed and I-I j-just wanted you t-too go to b-bed in an actual bed. Uh- your door was unlocked as well, sorry.." Hoseok maneged to get out. Jimin smiled.

"I didn't know you cared so much Hoseok." Jimin joked. Hoseok frowned and crassed his arms.

"I don't! Just, goodnight Jimin." Hoseok left fast and locked the door. Jimin smiled, going to bed with Yoongi. Hoseok got in bed. He fell asleep fast and didn't wake until the morning.

(Hope this wasn't bad. This is my first time actually posting my fanfic...sooooo lol. Hope you enjoyed. The updates will be some what fast cuz I have no life, so I write a lot. Lol, and CONGRATS TO BTS WINNING AN AWARD IN THE BBMA'S <3)

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