Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Hoseok got up to the faint ringing of the alarm. He had to go to work early today because a few other days he was late. He took a shower, got dressed, and ate some food. He grabbed his uniform witch was neatly folded and sitting on the couch for in the morning, and was off to work. He drove passed the tattoo parlor and fast food places on his way. Jimin didn't go to work without going to the bakery for some breakfast. He always got the same thing, caramel coffee with a bagel. He didn't go to work until 9:00 when it opened. Hoseok went to work at around 8:00 this morning having to prepare everything and set everything up like the chairs.

Hoseok wiped down the chairs and table waiting for the clock to hit 9:30. He wiped down the counters making sure the display glass was spotless. He set out the display cupcakes and cakes on the pretty figures that held them up. No one was there yet so it was just him. He plugged in his phone to play some music for the bakery. His phone was playing the newest songs on the radio that people seemed to like. He sighed as he saw Jimin waiting outside for the bakery to open. Hoseok was still convinced that he hated Park Jimin. Jimin could see that Hoseok was in the bakery looking at the clock. He smiled at him. Hoseok just looked away not wanting to start shit with Yoongi because he was looking at his boyfriend. The clock hit 9:30 and he walked to the door turning the sign and unlocking the door. Jimin pushed open the door and walked in. Jimin walked to the front desk.

"Same?" Hoseok asked not looking up at all, just punching in some numbers. Jimin nodded. Hoseok was the only one working right now so he went to make Jimin's drink. "Do you want a free sample of our new drink?" Hoseok asked because it was required. Jimin shook his head, looking at the pastel pink filling the walls.

"No thanks." He replied. Hoseok started at his bagel Jimin wanted. Jimin watched as Hoseok made it, "So, you the only one working today?" He asked trying to create small talk. Hoseok looked over his shoulder nodding.

"For now, yeah." He walked up setting a perfect bagel on a pastel blue plate. He started on the caramel coffee. Jimin leaned on the front counter, knowing the coffee would only take a few minutes. Hoseok smiled giving him the drink. "Have a nice day..." He said. He only smiled because it was mandatory. "Jimin!" Hoseok yelled trying to catch Jimin before he walked out. Jimin looked back, "Is that a new piercing?" He asked. Jimin smiled and nodded. Hoseok nodded. Jimin left taking a bite of his bagel. Hoseok was really falling for him. But he always convened himself he hated him so Yoongi and Jimin could be happy together.

Jimin went to work opening everything and getting everything ready for opening hours. Yoongi was already there in the back. Jimin walked into the back and sat down in his tattoo room. Yoongi came over sitting next to him on small couch. Yoongi kissed Jimin's cheek and then kissed Jimin. He was looking at his phone and wasn't really responding. Yoongi frowned and rolled his eyes. Yoongi started to feel like Jimin was losing interest. Jimin looked over hearing Yoongi get up.

"Were you going?" He asked frowning. Yoongi shrugged.

"You aren't interested are you? I see how you look at Hoseok. It's not hate, or just a normal look. It's a look of love. You are in love with him and it won't change. I can see it all over you Jimin. Ever since you guys started to work by each other and when you moved next to him. You've looked at him like you were hungry for love. It's been good, no great, with you for the past 6 months. But if you can't drop your crush on Hoseok..." Yoongi paused and his eyes filled with tear, "Then...we're done. I won't just sit as a side." Jimin's jaw dropped and he didn't understand. What was running through Jimin's mind wasn't his fault. He tried not looking at Hoseok and tried to forget about him. Jimin got up running after Yoongi. Yoongi was in the other room. Jimin entered walking in slowly.

Cupcakes and Needles (Hopemin/Jihope)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα