Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

   Sung walked up too the large glass building in the heart of Seoul. She grabbed her bag off her shoulder and looked inside. She was looking for her note book she had been writing in for a while now. Sung didn't see it and stared to freak out. Lay from the group EXO was going too work as well, he met her outside everyday. "Hey kiddo." He said ruffling her hair. Sung was still looking in her bag. She mumbled curse words over and over. "What's wrong squish?" He asked picking up some paper that had fell out. If the CEO saw those papers on the ground they would have Sung's head. 

 "Oppa, you remember that note book I always write in everyday that you always like reading...?" Sung said softly. Lay nodded. "I lost it, and you know how important it is to me." Sung said putting the papers back into the black bag. 

 "Oh, that might be a problem. Tell you what, I'll help you fin it after practice." He said taking the bag. Sung nodded. "Now, come on. You don't want to be late." Lay smiled. They went into the building and sighed in like usual. Lay was like her big brother. She didn't have any family here. Sung felt as if the EXO members are like her brothers and the Red Velvet members are her sisters. Sung only let 3 members of EXO read anything in the note book, D.O, Lay, and Baekhyun. Lay and Sung may have met everyday outside but they always went different  ways in the building because he was way more advanced and already debuted and she was just a trainee. "See you later squish." Lay said giving her back her bag and walking away. She had different hours then Lay but he had always stayed until she was done then treated her too lunch or dinner. She had 30 more minutes of practice so it didn't matter too him. She was usually there before him but this time she was late. She was kind of scared too go in because she always got a pretty bad punishment if she was late. She changed into her dance close and slowly walked into the practice room. Everybody stared at her. Not in a mean way, but more because they knew she would be get in big trouble. The dance teacher and vocal teacher that were in there didn't really mind because they were just taking roll. She got on her number in line and stood silently. 

 "Sung, the CEO would like too see you." The vocal teacher said when she got too her. Sung sighed nodding. "Good luck." Sung bowed and walked out. She was nervous, more nervous than usual. She was thinking of all the terrible things they could do or will do. Sung nervously played with her sleeve. She walked up too the office and knocked on the door. He looked up at her frowning. 

 "Your late." He said signing papers rapidly. Sung nodded. "So you know what you have too do. Go now." He said pointing. Sung bowed and walked out. She had too sing while running around the practice room then do sit ups while having someone hit her in the stomach to develop muscle and vocal power. When she went back in she got it done with no problem then started too dace and sing. After practice She met Lay in the hall. He smiled and had 2 others behind him. 

 "Thought we might need the help." It was D.O and Baekhyun. Sung nodded. "You have too run and sing again?" Sung nodded. "Bummer." 

 "Where was the last place you had it?" D.O asked. Sung thought for a while. 

 "Hoseok's house." Sung answered. "Let me call him." They all nodded and waiting for him to answer. After a few rings he answered, "Hello, oppa?" 

 "What is it?" Hoseok asked. 

 "Did you by any chance see a note book sitting on the couch?" Sung asked. Hoseok shook his head like she could see him. 

 "Sorry no. Was it important?" Hoseok asked. 

"Kind of yeah. Can I talk to Jimin oppa?" Sung looked over at the boys who were waiting. Hoseok give the phone too Jimin. "Oppa have you seen a note book on your couch or at your house at all since I left?" She asked. 

 "I think Yeong had it." Jimin answered. Already Sung knew Yeong read it. 

 "Oh my god, ok thank you oppa." Sung said annoyed. 

 "No problem. Have a good rest of the day." Sung hung up and took a deep breath. Out of no where Chanyeol hugged Baekhyung. Sung totally spaced that they had been dating. Chanyeol ended up tagging along. 

"Guys I know where it is. You don't have too come if yo don't want." Sung said smiling. Lay shrugged. 

 "We aren't doing anything. So it's ok." Sung and the now 4 boys walked too Yeong and Graces house. Sung walked in without knocking at all. Grace smiled and said hi too everybody. Sung hugged her like usual and greeted her. She walked into Yeong's room. 

 "I know you have it. Give it back." Sung said holding out her hand. Yeong looked up from her phone shrugging. "Stop acting dumb. Just give it back so I can burn it later." Sung said raising her voice a little. Grace took all the boys out of that room. 

 "Thing's might get bad and I don't want to be a part of it and I sure as hell don't want you guys a part of it." She said laughing. The 4 boys smiled and sat down on the couch. Baekhyung and Chanyeol sat next too each other and were playing with the pillows Grace owned. D.O was just worried that the 2 would start a fight. Then there way Lay already in the fridge now. 

  "Give me my damn note book. You had your fun by reading it and I want it back Yeong. Please there my thoughts and feelings not your I don't share those with anyone not even my own family. Ok just give it back." Yeong opened too page 3. 

 "I made a friend today. He calls me squish. I don't know why but I actually trust him." She read out loud. She turned too page 6, "I only let my friends, LAY, D.O, and BAEKHYUN! read this." She read out loud again. Sung thought she was going too cry. 

 "Shut up Yeong!" Sung snapped and ripped the book out of her hands. 

 "You wouldn't even let me read this and I've known you since 7th grade. How shallow of you." Yeong said rolling her eyes. 

 "I didn't want to trouble you with my thoughts and feeling Yeong. OK just shut up and if your mad then your mad. I could care less. Witch by the way you shouldn't be because you got what you wanted and you got to read my privet thoughts to yourself so congrats." Sung said walking out of the room. "Grace...did you know about this?" Sung asked. She shook her head. 

 "I didn't want a part in this at all. I was trying to get her too not take it." Grace explained. The boys got awkward. 

"Should we leave..?" Chanyeol asked. 

 "No, sit down pretty boy." Grace said pulling on his jacket. Chanyeol sat back down next to Baekhyun and played with the pillow. "Listen Sung, I know it's wrong of her too do it, but please forgive her." Sung shrugged. 

 "Whatever. I'm leaving." Sung dropped the note book on the floor and walked out. Lay came out of the kitchen and picked up the book and smiled at Grace. Grace blushed and hid her face. They all left following Sung. "I don't want it Lay oppa..." Sung said with tears almost coming out of her eyes. "It has so many bad memories in it.." Sung started to cry. Lay was much taller than her but still hugged her. 

 "Hey, it's ok. You don't have too keep it Sung." He said too her. He got on his knees, "Listen to me. It's ok too be scared of the cruel world we live in. It's ok too have bad memoirs because then you can learn from them." Sung tried not too cry. She stayed strong for everybody. She never cried in front of anyone, never complained, nothing. She always put on her best fake smile and went about her life. She didn't feel fake around EXO. She could actually smile and actually laugh. "Is it ok If I keep it?" Lay asked. D.O shook his head. D.O thought it wasn't a good idea. Sung nodded. Lay smiled and kissed her head. "We'll take you back to your dorm with the others." Lay said. D.O nodded and helped her up. 

 "Cheer up tiny." D.O said messing with her hair. She smiled and laughed a little. Chanyeol wiped her tears with his sleeve. 

"I may not know what is in the note book, but I could care less. Just be happy." Chanyeol said smiling. Baekhyun laughed. The 4 members walked her home too the others and made sure she got too sleep nicely. 

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