Chapter 15

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(I'm in summer break now. So just expect updates at random times like everyday lol) 

Chapter 15

   Jimin raced too get on his clothes. He forgot he even had too get up today for work. He had like 3 people waiting today plus whatever Yoongi needs help with. PLUS on top of that, he has to clean today. "Did you pay your rent this month?" Hoseok asked looking through the mail, "You know, for your place?" Jimin ran too the bathroom and grabbed his glasses. 

 "I Have a million things running through my mind right now Hoseok, I don't know call and ask." Jimin was searching for his sketch book with all the tattoo's. Hoseok nodded. Jimin rushed too the couch and slipped on his shoes. "Ok, I love you Hoseok, but I have too go." Jimin ran out without giving Hoseok a a hug or anything. Jimin rode over on his motor cycle at least 10 miles over the speed limit. He wasn't afraid of going too fast and getting in a crash. Yoongi was already there and dealing with the first people there. "I'm so sorry i'm late Yoongi!" Jimin said throwing his stuff in his work room and starting too deal with the girl up first. Yoongi shrugged. 

 "Why were you late?" Yoongi asked looking up from his paper work. Jimin sighed. "Jimin?"

"I just got up late." Jimin said smiling at the girl's getting matching tattoo's. Yoongi nodded and got up. 

 "Well, I have so much shit to do. I need you too pick up the slack around the parlor." Yoongi explained while doing 10 times at once. Jimin nodded. The 2 girls that were getting the tattoo's were smiling and whispering. Jimin was smiling because he knew what they were talking about. They thought he was cute. One of the girls asked for another pricing because they wanted too stay longer. 

 "So how long have you worked here?" One asked. 

"Only a year." Jimin replied not looking up from his job. She smiled. 

 "Well what do you like too do for fun." She asked leaning in a little closer too him. Jimin felt uncomfortable, but couldn't say anything because he's at work and won't be rude. 

 "I hang out, and eat, that's why i'm fat." Jimin laughed. One girl who was done with her tattoo touched his stomach. 

 "Your not fat." She said. Jimin's stomach turned. "Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked. Jimin was getting annoyed. 

 "Don't touch him." Yoongi said too the girls. They both got nervous. "He's gay anyways." 

"Sorry!" They said fast and stopped touching Jimin. "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to assume things. Uh- sorry again." Jimin shrugged. 

"It's not a big deal,  honestly." Jimin said smiling. The girls left shortly after that. "Wow Yoongi, thanks." Jimin said with anger. He rolled his eyes and went back into his work room. 

 "What the fuck Jimin. What did I do?!" Yoongi asked raising his voice. Jimin was cleaning the needles while blowing off some steam. 

 "You told them I was gay! What the hell dude! You could have told them you are." Jimin said putting down the needle. Yoongi started too get mad. 

 "Well I'm sorry if you can't handle the truth. Your gay, you like dick. Sorry for telling the 2 GIRLS that you like BOYS not GIRLS." Yoongi replied, "I didn't tell them I was because I didn't want too." Jimin was so angry he thought he was going to punch Yoongi. 

 "Exactly! You didn't want too tell them! What makes you think I wanted them too know?!" Yoongi rolled his eyes and picked up some paper work, "Yoongi! Now people are going too be like, 'oh hey did you hear of that gay guy that works at the tattoo parlor?' like what the fuck dude!" Jimin pushed Yoongi a little. Yoongi closed his eyes and tried not too get mad. 

Cupcakes and Needles (Hopemin/Jihope)Where stories live. Discover now