Chapter 24

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  Jimin made food in the morning like every other morning and Hoseok got ready for work like every other morning. "Jimin, the doctor said I could live in my own house again." Hoseok said while he brushed his teeth after eating. Jimin forced a smile.

 "That's good, that means your ok." Jimin said. Hoseok nodded and hugged Jimin from behind. Hoseok took a deep breath and put his face in Jimin's neck. Hoseok liked the smell of Jimin, his cologne was expensive and smelt really good. One thing Hoseok didn't like was the smell of cigarettes, witch Jimin was trying to quit but it wasn't so easy. Hoseok understood though. Hoseok playfully bit Jimin's neck. Jimin giggled a little. Hoseok laughed and smiled. Jimin turned around and pouted, "Are you moving out?" He asked. Hoseok shrugged. 

"Well if I did I wouldn't be that far away only like 3 minutes away." Hoseok said smiling, "But then again I like spending every moment with you, So I don't know." Hoseok stated. Jimin nodded. Hoseok turned too the pictures on the wall. He saw his cousins and their kids and he smiled. Hoseok didn't want too admit it, but he kinda wanted kids of his own. "You need a job." Hoseok said too Jimin. Jimin nodded in agreement. 

 "Yeah, I have know idea what I want too do...only thing i'm good at is giving people tattoo's. And i'm not even that good." Jimin said. Hoseok smacked Jimin's head. "Ow! Damn it Hoseok, that hurt." 

 "You are good at a lot of things. If you can give people tattoo's, you can draw. So you could sell your drawings." Hoseok offered. Jimin shrugged. 

 "All my drawings are depressing and just sad." Jimin explained. Jimin's drawings were of inner beauty and meaningful drawings. Not like flowers and people like everybody else. Some of them were even scary. 

  "Jimin, your drawings are unique, not scary or depressing." Hoseok replied. Jimin smiled and blushed a little because he never got complements on his drawings before. "Just, try it out. If it doesn't can...slap me or dump me. Deal." Hoseok said. Jimin laughed a little. 

 "I'm not going to dump you, I might slap you. But there is no way in hell that i'd dump you just for someone else not liking my drawings." Jimin said. Hoseok nodded and took a drink of his water. "Now go, your going to be late for work." Jimin laughed. Hoseok put down his cup and give Jimin a peck on the cheek and left. Jimin smiled and walked over too the couch. He was really thinking about trying out the drawing thing. He frowned and sighed. He thought he was thinking too hard about this. He went out to the terrace and smoked then came inside. He went over too his house and grabbed a black bag full of art supplies and took it too his living room. He set up a canvas in the middle of the room with a side table next too it that had types or paint brushes and different shades of darker colors. He put a chair next too it for him too sit in. The canvas was facing the big window in the house. Jimin closed his eyes and thought of something too paint. He dipped his paint brush into the acrylic paint and placed it onto the canvas. The type of canvas he was using was a black canvas. He thought of being alone, with no one too walk with, no one to talk too. He moved his paint brush so gracefully. He began too almost cry while he was painting it because it was all his emotions let out onto a blank canvas. Jimin then thought of Hoseok, and how Hoseok came into his life when he needed it back in 2011. Jimin didn't have any tears running down his face he was just a little choked up. He got another paint brush and dipped it into the red paint. He began too paint some sort of heart with hands on it. 

 After about an hour and a half Jimin was done. He was sort of tired and cold. He didn't feel too well either. Jimin started too put away the paints and wash out the paint brushes as the painting it's self dried. Jimin didn't like it but he never liked anything of his. Jimin's hands had always gotten shaky after he was done painting. Hoseok wouldn't be home for another 5 hours so he had time to waste on nothing. Jimin waited about 30 minutes for the painting too dry so he could take a picture of it. When he did take a picture he was unsure about putting it on the internet for people too look at or offer too buy it. Not because he liked the painting but because he thought that the picture as crap. Jimin posted fast and put down his phone. He didn't want too see it anymore. Jimin didn't really mind if he smoked in his own house so he did. Without knowing Taehyung cam knocking at Jimin's door. "Open up little emo! I know your here and not at Hoseok's!" Taehyung screamed. Jimin walked over and opened the door. Jimin blew out the thick grey smoke out of his mouth and in Taehyung's face. Taehyung frowned and waved it away. He invited himself in and walked into the living room. He saw that Jimin had painted again. Jimin hadn't painted since he was little, like 15. Taehyung smiled in amazement. "You started painting again...?" Taehyung said with a smile. Jimin shrugged. "Hoseok must be really good too you if he could get you too paint again." Taehyung said looking at Jimin with a big smile. Jimin smiled and nodded shyly. "Anyway, I came too ask you a serious question." Taehyung said. Jimin cocked his head too the side. 

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