Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jimin woke up with Hoseok's arms around his waist and his face in his chest. Jimin blinked a few times and moved Hoseok softly. He began to have 5 second flash backs too what they had done last night. Jimin closed his eyes and stopped walking for a moment. He shook his head and continued to walk too the kitchen. He got a glass of water but soon noticing beer bottles everywhere in the kitchen and living room. Jimin turned his head and walked fast over too a bunch on the table. He saw his shirt over by the couch as well, and Hoseok's. Jimin was still confused. He went to the bathroom and turned around too see his back and shoulders. He took a long look at the red bite marks on his shoulders. Jimin traced over them with the tips of his fingers and bit his lip. Hoseok came up behind his and put his arms around him. Hoseok smiled and rested his head on Jimin's tanned shoulder. Hoseok kissed his shoulder sweetly and smiled, closing his eyes. Jimin smiled and put his hands on Hoseok's. "You have work today Hoseok." Jimin said taking his hands from Hoseok's. Hoseok nodded. "So go take a shower."

"Take one with me." Hoseok said. Jimin laughed.

"You've obviously have hung out with me too much." Hoseok laughed a little. "I'm 100% serious I will take a shower with you." Jimin said. He smirked. "And I'll touch you..." Jimin said putting his cold hands on Hoseok's abs. Hoseok took a deep breath in and smiled. Jimin studied Hoseok's scares all over his body and frowned a little. He didn't like the fact that he had even thought about doing that. Hoseok noticed and got shy. Jimin laughed and took his hands away from Hoseok's abs. "I'm just kidding around Hoseok." Jimin said grabbing his tooth brush. "Go get ready for work you big baby." Jimin said starting to brush his teeth.

Hoseok got ready in about 10 minutes. "I'm leaving, Jimin." Hoseok yelled a little because he was in the kitchen and Jimin was getting dressed. Jimin came running out of the room with his pants not zipped or buttoned. He ran over to Hoseok and hugged his tight.

"Bye bye, oppa." Jimin said smiling. Jimin knew Hoseok would get mad. Hoseok's eyes got 10 times bigger.

"Don't ever say that again. Oh my god." Hoseok said kissing Jimin on the cheek. Jimin laughed and zipped his pants.

"See you after work. Be safe please..." Jimin said out the door. Hoseok nodded and smiled. He left in his car. Jimin frowned when he left. He thought about what he saw. Jimin really hated seeing the scars on Hoseok's perfect body. Hoseok wasn't so shy anymore about showing Jimin the scars. As long as Jimin didn't say anything about the scars then Hoseok wouldn't adjust his body away. Hoseok loved Jimin, but was still not telling Jimin everything. The guy that was texting Hoseok never stopped. He's been saying he's seen Hoseok at work, and at the store. Hoseok was getting scared. Really scared. Jimin went to work shortly. Hoseok smiled and sold at least 200 cupcakes today. He's seen so many friendly faces come in and out of the doors today.

"Hello, I'm Hoseok, I'll be helping you today. What would you like." Hoseok said with a smile that could cure cancer and world hunger. The person smiled at Hoseok and couldn't keep their eyes off him. He kind of just shrugged it off and thought they might like him or something.

"I'll take 2 red velvet cupcakes and some milk." They said. Hoseok smiled and nodded.

"Ok, that will be $6.50 please." Hoseok said writing down the order. They person smiled and handed him a 10 dollar bill. "Oh, I'll be right back with some change." Hoseok said picking up the pen he had dropped.

"No, no, no. Just keep the change." They said. Hoseok was suspired.

"Oh, you don't-" They cut him off.

"Just take it." They said smiling. Hoseok nodded.

"Thank you. Uh- It'll be about 2 minutes. I'll be right back" The person was a guy. He was extra nice to Hoseok and it kind of creeped him out. Hoseok came back after 5 minutes and bowed. "I'm so sorry, it took longer than it was supposed too. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience Sir." Hoseok said again and again. He just shook his head. "Thank you for coming. Please do come again." Hoseok begged. He felt bad for being 3 minutes later than he said. The guy just shook his head smiling.

"I will. Trust me." He said as he walked out the big glass doors. Hoseok looked down frowning. He was confused. His break was in 5 minutes so he left for the break room where Jimin and Hoseok had made out for the first time. Hoseok smiled and laughed a little. Seokjin ate his lunch everyday with Hoseok.

"You and Jimin had sex!?!" Seokjin yelled. Hoseok covered his mouth and slapped his head.

"Can you be any louder oh my god!" Hoseok said and pushed him. Seokjin was surprised. Hoseok was never the type too do that at all. He was very shy, and not so confident about his body.

"Sorry, you and Jimin had sex?" He whispered. Hoseok rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Yes dip shit. That's what I said." Hoseok said. Seokjin nodded taking a bite of his sandwich.

"When? And why, and how?!" Seokjin sat closer to Hoseok and wiggled his eyebrows.

"We broke into a house yesterday night at like 10:00 and we went into one of the rooms and there was a bed...and I kind of pulled Jimin onto the bed and got on top of him...then...we made out for a while...and happened..." Hoseok said stuttering a lot. Seokjin nodded slowly.

"Who was top and who was bottom?" Seokjin asked while eating some chicken. Hoseok blushed. "I bet you were bottom." He blurted. Hoseok shook his head. "Oh, well then." Hoseok looked around starting to get awkward.

"Can I go home early? Please." Hoseok asked. Seokjin nodded. Hoseok was on his way to the house shortly after. Hoseok took a shower and got in his pj's already, even though it was only 6:00. Hoseok sat in the living room. He was reading an article on his phone.

That's when it went bad..

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