Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

   Hoseok didn't feel well at all and was so scared he thought he was going to pass out again. He looked over at the river. The man was standing and just looking at the water. Hoseok wasn't sure what he wanted or why he picked Hoseok. Hoseok thought of himself like a nobody who worked at the small bakery in the middle of town. Hoseok took a deep breath and hoped that Jimin was on his way already or that the cops were here already. He took a few steps towards the man. The man turned aground and hugged Hoseok tight. "Hello Hoseok." He said. He was fairly tall, around Hoseok's age range, and kind of like a child. It's the same guy from earlier that day at the bakery. "I missed you. I'm so happy you did this. Jimin was getting annoying, he kept telling me that i couldn't have you..." Hoseok forced a smiled. "Oh, my name is Jaejin by the way." Jaejin said smiling. Hoseok nodded and smiled. On the inside Hoseok just wanted to cry and cry. Jaejin kissed Hoseok. Hoseok didn't know what too do. So he just stood there almost in tears. "So when we go home tonight-" 

 "I have too go home with you?" Hoseok asked. Jaejin nodded. 

"Yes. That's why your here right? Hoseok..." Jaejin said with his smile turning into a frown. Hoseok's breathing got fast and unsteady. 

 "Yeah, sorry..." Hoseok said looking around. Jaejin smiled and took Hoseok's hand and pulled him closer. "Uh- Maybe we should wait..." Hoseok said to Jaejin. Jaejin shook his head and kissed Hoseok again. Jimin was behind the bathroom buildings with the cops. He kept peeking over too see if Hoseok was ok. He saw him being kissed and touched. Jimin got so mad he thought he was going to punch something. Hoseok didn't want to be touched. You could tell.  Hoseok thought too himself, just hoping that Jimin was going to come save him out of nowhere. At that moment the cops showed up. Hoseok felt some sort of heaviness leave his chest. Jimin ran over too Hoseok and hugged him while Jaejin was being put in cuffs. 

 "You said you were here for me Hoseok!" He yelled. He started to cry, "Hoseok! Please, i didn't do anything wrong!" Hoseok hugged Jimin. Hoseok looked at Jaejin and remembered that he had saw him somewhere else  besides the bakery. He remembered a little boy. A little boy he was best friends with in 1st grade. Hoseok's eyes got wide. 

 "What is it?" Jimin whispered. Hoseok shook his head. "Hoseok, lets go home. Ok?" Hoseok nodded and walked away from Jaejin. "Hoseok, is there something wrong?" Hoseok said nothing.  Jimin would never let go of Hoseok again. Ever. He doesn't want this to ever happen again. "Look at me Hoseok. Your body isn't a fucking object. He can't own you. He can't do anything to you without it being illegal." Jimin said cupping Hoseok's face with his 2 hands. "I won't let anything ever happen too you again. I promise you." Jimin said. Tears ran down Hoseok's face and he collapsed into Jimin's arms. 

 "I-I was so scared." Hoseok cried. Jimin kissed his head. 

"I know..." Jimin mumbled. 

  "Please, I don't want to ever do that again Jimin. P-please don't let it happen again." Hoseok was crying in Jimin's arms once again. Jimin nodded. 

"No one will ever touch you again. You got that Hoseok? I won't even touch you if you don't want ok...Please stop crying baby...I don't like it when you cry." Hoseok wiped his eyes and got up. Jimin got up as well and they left for the car. Hoseok didn't want to go back too Jimin's at all. So they ended up going to Hoseok's house instead. Hoseok had the keys in his pocket. He took them out and unlocked the house for them to go into. Hoseok missed his pastel walls and pretty pictures. He smiled at seeing them. He didn't have any pictures of himself on the walls though. Only of his family. Jimin had only been in that house 2 times. He smiled when he saw Hoseok smile. Hoseok turned on the lights in the kitchen and saw the knife he used one of the last times he was here. He sighed and put it in the skin with a few other dishes. Jimin frowned but smiled to cheer up Hoseok. Jimin playfully bit Hoseok's shoulder and laughed. Hoseok couldn't help but smile at Jimin. He loved Jimin's everything. His eyes, his cute fluffy cheeks, his personality. Jimin went to the living room and looked at all the pictures lined along the walls. He was admiring all the books Hoseok had. Jimin smiled when he saw the window that they would always fight through. Hoseok was doing a the few dishes real quick before He and Jimin would go to bed. "Why is there no pictures of you?" Jimin asked as he walked too Hoseok. Hoseok shrugged a little. 

 "Because my family is always gone, so i don't have any with them at all. And I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend except in high school a while ago. So i don't have any of me." Hoseok explained. Jimin frowned. "But it's ok. I look bad all the time anyway." Hoseok smiled. Jimin shook his head.

 "You look great all the time." Jimin said picking up a Polaroid camera that was sitting on the table. Jimin kissed Hoseok on the cheek and took a picture. "And you should have some of you." Jimin took the picture that had been developed from the camera and took down one of the picture on the wall and using the thumb tack to put up that one. "See it looks fine. And you look fine. So it's staying." Jimin laughed. Hoseok smiled. 

 "I have to go clean something up second. Stay right here please." Hoseok asked. Jimin knew what he was doing. He didn't clean up the blood from the last time Jimin was here. So he wanted to clean it without Jimin in the bathroom. Jimin sighed and nodded. Hoseok left to the bathroom and used a rag and some cleaner for the bathtub and floor. It got a little bit on the rug so he put it in the trash. Jimin knocked on the door a little. "One minute. I'm almost done." Hoseok said throwing away the rags. It was spotless again in the small bathroom. Hoseok got up and unlocked the door. "Sorry there was a mess, you know how much clothes i have." Hoseok smiled. Jimin nodded. Hoseok went back to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. "Are you hungry?" Hoseok asked. Jimin shook his head. 

 "Hoseok, i'll make food. You've been through a lot tonight." Jimin said sweetly. Hoseok felt useless.

 "But it's my house. I should make you the food." Hoseok replied. Jimin shook his head again. 

"No, it's fine. What do you want?" Jimin asked. Hoseok shrugged because he wasn't very hungry. 

 "I'm not hungry." Hoseok said. Jimin sighed. "But, you can have whatever you want." Hoseok said smiling. He went over to the couch and sat down. Jimin followed behind him. "We should go to bed." Hoseok turned his head too Jimin. Jimin nodded and waited for Hoseok in the hall way. He didn't really know were everything was. Hoseok took his hand and walked into a room at the end of the hall. "Here." Hoseok said. Both boys took off their shirts and got into the queen sized bed. There was lots of room but Jimin wanted to stay right next to Hoseok. Both boys fell asleep after about 30 minutes. Their soft snores filled the large room. Hoseok was being hugged by Jimin from behind. It was hot but they both really liked being covered when they slept because they felt more safe. They didn't wake until the morning. 


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