not an update again but important to me lol

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 So recently someone told me that I need to work on my dancing. I didn't think I was perfect but I didn't think I was bad. But anyways now I feel like I need to work 10X harder because I don't wanna be bad. I'm insecure about literally no joke everything, my size, dance, looks, grades. It doesn't matter I'm insecure about it. I have all skinny friends and I'm heavier. I mean I'm not like a lot but I'm heavier and I kinda just was dealing with it...then one of my good friends said something about my weight. It made me feel so bad I started to cry lol...they said I need to work on my weight because I don't have a thigh gap... -_-

Long story short now I feel really shitty. I'm now on a fucking insane schedule so I can fit peoples needs -_- I will always have some time to write but maybe not as much. I promise I will try as much as I can <3

My schedule now

4:00AM- work out

5:30AM- Take a shower and get ready for school

*watches drama until I have to go cuz I'm trash hehe*

6:25AM- Get on bus

7:10AM- school starts

3:30PM- get home

4:00PM- Dance until 11:00PM

Then take a shower and go to bed -_- I can totally do this lmao. And that's just week days. Weekend are even worse lol cuz I have work. And this is every day lol...anyways idk why I told you guys this haha. I love you guys all like family and think sharing my feelings with you guys is good <3 <3 

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