Chapter 22

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 Hoseok was driving through Winston too drop off Sung. As Sung looked at the very familiar scenery she thought of all the good and bad things that had ever happened here. Like her first kiss, first fight, first breakup, and her last kiss. She hadn't really thought of all this until she saw the places she once spent most of her time at. Hoseok was driving past the middle school when Sung told him too stop. "Why? Sung don't you want to get too your family as fast as you can?" Jimin asked looking in the mirror. Hoseok pulled too a stop and parked the car on the side of the road next too the middle school. Sung got out of the car. "Sung?! Where the hell are you going?!" Jimin yelled. Sung walked down too the track of the middle school. The boys followed her down. Sung smiled when she saw the area on the track that her and her friends used too hang out every break in middle school. Jimin smiled and looked over at Hoseok. Sung walked over too the bleachers and sat down. 

 "Sung we have too-" Jimin cut off Hoseok. 

 "Give her some time." Jimin smiled. Hoseok nodded and started walking the track. She closed her eyes and started having flash backs too high school, and middle school. 

 "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm a lesbian." A girl with curly brown hair said with a smile. Sung smiled and laughed a little. "You should meet my friends Micah and Breeann! They're really cool!" Sung smiled, this was her first day of 7th grade at the middle school. Emily aka Yeong, was her first new 8th grade friend. Sung started having flash backs too her first kiss with a guy that she thought loved her. But it turned out he just wanted a girlfriend. Sung looked at the football shed were she had her last kiss. It wasn't a good one, that's why she doesn't trust boys anymore. Her heart had been broken that day. 

 The boy leaned in and kissed her once. She didn't want too be kissed anymore but he forced her too. She started too hit him and try too get him off but he hit her back. She ended with a bloody lip and nose. Sung's eyes filled with tears, but not sad tears, she was mad. Sung shook her head and got up. She didn't want too remember anymore. Hoseok and Jimin had already walked up too the car and were waiting. Jimin told her she could have as much time as she needed. Sung started too walk up but saw someone. Someone she hadn't seen since that day when she was hit. Sung looked down and swallowed. She didn't feel safe. She started too walk faster and tried too stay away from that person. He grabbed her arm and pulled Sung over too him. Sung pushed him away with anger. 

 "Get the hell away from me!" Sung yelled and pushed him again. 

 "Calm down Ash, your just scared." The man said trying too take her hands. 

 "No shit i'm scared! You hit me! You..hurt me Jeff..I don't want to ever see you again and I thought I made that clear when I didn't turn you into the cops!" Sung yelled taking a few steps back. The man chuckled. 

 "I didn't mean to hit you Ash. That was just a few years ago. You have too forgive me." He said walking closer. Sung shook her head. Jeff grabbed her arm and tried too hug her. Sung worked up the courage and screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"Oppa!!" Sung screamed. Jimin was leaning on the car waiting when he heard her. Jimin's eyes got wide and he started too run down the hill. Sung was crying and was trying too get out of his arms. "Don't touch me!" She yelled. Jimin got down there just in time. Jimin ran down and pulled on the guys shoulder causing him too fall backwards. Jimin helped Sung up. Sung hid behind Jimin and hugged his arm. Jeff stumbled too his feet. 

 "Who the hell do you think you are?" Jeff asked. Jimin didn't know much English. "You can't understand me can you? How pathetic." He announced. All Jimin knew was that Sung was in trouble. 

 "He tried too hurt me again..." Sung said in Korean. Jeff cocked his head. "Let's just leave oppa..." Sung finished. Jimin nodded. The 2 walked away. Hoseok ran halfway down and saw them coming back up. Hoseok ran too them and hugged both of them. 

 "What was that?" Hoseok asked. Sung shook her head. 

"I just want too go home please." Sung said too Hoseok. Hoseok nodded and held her hand as they walked up. Jeff walked behind them. "I'll tell you guys later..." Sung got into the car and just frowned. Hoseok and Jimin looked at each other with concern. Jimin shrugged and shook his head. Sung gave them the address and helped them too her house. Before Sung got out Jimin took her hand and looked at her from the front seat. 

 "Are you ok?" Jimin asked. Sung nodded and pulled her hand away. Jimin nodded and had Hoseok stay in the drive way until they saw that Sung got into her house alright without them getting mad or anything. Sung walked up too the door and knocked. Hoseok tilted his head too watch her. A tall man with tattoo's all over his arms came out. Sung looked down and started speaking in English. Jimin knew a little bit of what she was saying. The man hugged her and Sung hugged him back. By the looks of it, that was her dad. She looked back at Hoseok and Jimin and smiled. She nodded letting them know it was ok for them too go now. Jimin smiled and waved saying bye in Korean. Hoseok and Jimin were off too Roseburg.  Jimin looked around the somewhat pretty town. Hoseok was driving too a hotel that was in Rosehurg. Jimin didn't really know what too do since this was sort of a last minute thing. Knowing Jimin he's going to  want too go too the beach. Hoseok drove too the hotel and they both grabbed all their stuff and had it taken too their room. From there the boys got settled in. 

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