Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Hobicake: Hey ChimChim...

ChimChim: ? Yeah?

Hobicake: When are you coming home?

ChimChim: I have no idea. I think Yoongi needs me too close up tonight. So probably late. Why? U ok?

Hobicake: Yeah, I'm fine.

ChimChim: You sure?

Hobicake: Yes I'm sure. Now, wyd?

ChimChim: Oh, I'm just sitting in my room in the back right now. Hbu

Hobicake: Well, I was waiting for you.

ChimChim: Oh...sorry

Hobicake: Nah, it's fine.

ChimChim: So how did telling Seokjin go?

Hobicake: I hated every moment. He was asking who was top and who was bottom. He told me that I would most likely be on bottom!

ChimChim: Lol, you would have if you wouldn't have pushed me down first 😉

Hobicake: I hate you 🙁

ChimChim: No you don't. You love me more than anything in the world 🙂

Hobicake: I guess.

Hobicake: Fuck...

ChimChim: What? Oh, did I make you hard? 😉

Hobicake: Ew no you nasty. There was a weird noise...

ChimChim: What did it sound like?

Hobicake: Idk, like something at the door...idk it's probably nothing.

ChimChim: -.- you'll tell me if anything is wrong, right Hoseok?

Hobicake: Yes Jimin.

ChimChim: Lol, Yoongi just stubbed his finger on the counter XD

Hobicake: ....It's not gone. It sounds like it's trying to get in... 😕

ChimChim: Omg

Hobicake: What?! Do you think I'm saying this for fucking attention?!

Hobicake: Jimin..?

Hobicake: Jimin, fucking answer me! 🙁

Hoseok was getting scared. He was in the living room and no one was home. He ran too the bedroom and sat on the bed with all the lights off. Tears were going to fall from his eyes.

Hobicake: Jimin... please I'm scared. Please answer me...I need you. Please...

Hoseok started to cry. He wiped his tears and tried to steady his breath. The sound started to get louder. He started to cry harder but was trying his hardest to shut his mouth. Out of nowhere he was grabbed and pulled back on the bed and into a lap. Hoseok felt like giving up and dying now. He felt weak and scared. "Shhhhh It's Jimin. Calm down Hoseok." Jimin said as he covered Hoseok's mouth. Hoseok cried some more and sat there in the dark. "Hoseok, you have to calm down and be quit. Please..." Jimin said as he rocked Hoseok in his arms. Hoseok nodded and tried to stop crying. "We have to go to the closet ok. Come on Hoseok. Be careful." Jimin whispered. They got in the closet and shut the doors. Jimin held Hoseok in his arms and held his hands. Hoseok was crying in Jimin's shoulder.

"J-jimin...i'm scared...really scared." Hoseok said weakly. Jimin nodded.

"Shhhhh, I know baby. We have to be quit. Ok I think they're in the house." Jimin said kissing Hoseok's head. The sounds, witch seemed too be steps got louder and the light turned on. Hoseok's breathing started to get out of control and he was having hard time breathing right. "Baby, please stop. Calm down." Jimin said almost in tears. Hoseok tried and tried to calm down. "We're going to be ok baby." Jimin whispered. The person was walking around the room looking for Hoseok.

"Hoseok, I told you I was going too see you later! Come out!" They yelled. Hoseok's heart felt like it was gone. He felt like he was going to pass out. Jimin held his hand tight trying to make him feel better. Hoseok just fell limp on Jimin. Jimin didn't know what to do. He didn't know if Hoseok was ok or not. A few tears ran down his face. He bit his lip to silence his breathing. The guy left slamming the door and getting mad. Jimin got out his phone fast and texted Yoongi.

Jimin: Yoongi I really need you too call the cops and send them too my house.

SwagMin: Why? Where the hell did you go. You can't just fucking leave work whenever you want.

Jimin: Please. Hoseok isn't waking up and there is someone in the house.

SwagMin: Ok, Ok.

Jimin: God damn! Just hurry please! I'm scared and don't know what to do!

Jimin put down his phone and moved Hoseok onto his back. Hoseok's head rested on Jimin's crouch. "Hoseok. Please. Just get up. Come on. I think he left..." Jimin kissed his forehead and rubbed his arm. Hoseok felt like he was in a whole other world. Hoseok got so scared he faited. "I love you ok Hoseok. I love you." Jimin said. He waited and waited for the cops. Hoseok gasped and sat up fast. Jimin hugged him and kissed behind his ear. "Hoseok, shhh. Ok the cops are going to be here.

Unknown: Hoseok...

Hoseok: What the fuck!? Leave my boyfriend alone you stupid basterd!

Unknown: Were is Hoseok?

Hoseok: Shut the fuck up. You have no right too know.

Unknown: Just give me Hoseok and I'll leave

Hoseok: Suck my dick! No I'm letting touch him with your filthy hands! So just back off bitch!

Unknown: I'm getting mad...

Hoseok: I could give 2 shits but I don't

Unknown: I'll find you guys. And I'll take Hoseok!

Hoseok: Get a fucking life! And just back off. Go get your own sluty boyfriend.

Unknown: I want Hoseok though!

Hoseok: Fuck you. I'm leaving. Just leave us alone..

Jimin angularly put down Hoseok's phone and started to get mad. Hoseok calmed down and was breathing now. "Jimin..." Hoseok said taking his hand. "I love you too." Hoseok said. Jimin smiled and kissed his hand. "The cops will be here soon." Hoseok got and idea. "Wait, what if I just say I'll meet him somewhere then you just bring the cops..." Hoseok said looking at what he could see of Jimin. Jimin gasped and shook his head.

"No, that's too dangerous. No I won't let you." Jimin said. Hoseok kissed Jimin once and took his phone. "'s stupid!" Jimin said. Hoseok nodded and got on his phone.

Hoseok: Hey...😕

Unknown: Hello?

Hoseok: It's me. Hoseok...

Unknown: Oh hello love.

Hoseok: Uh- do you want to meet somewhere..?

Unknown: Yes! When!?

Hoseok: Tonight...I want to see you... 🙂

Unknown: really. What about Jimin?

Hoseok: Just shut up and give me a place too meet you

Unknown: Ok, at the park. Come alone. And I'll show you what a real man can do in more ways than one 😉

Hoseok thought he was going to throw up. Jimin patted his back. "You don't have too do this Hoseok." Jimin said. Hoseok nodded.

Hoseok: Ok. See you in 10 😉

Jimin took the phone and set it down. Hoseok was scared but wouldn't tell Jimin. But he didn't have too, Jimin knew. "I have to go...Please bring the cops." Hoseok said standing up. Jimin held onto his hand until he left the closet, forcing him too let go. Jimin closed his eyes siged. He kept saying everything was going to be alright. He told the cops to go to a different spot. The park.

That's when Hoseok saw him...standing by the river...

Cupcakes and Needles (Hopemin/Jihope)Where stories live. Discover now